Chapter Three: Electricity

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 Chapter Three: Electricity

 ( Ashlyn's Point of View)

It was 12 O'clock, and I have a free period for fifth. Last year, I didn't. I guess this is one of the perks of being a senior. Since I have plenty of time to kill, I decided to go out to lunch with my best friends,

Kaylen and Billie.

I loved them.

Without them, I don't know how I could possibly survive high school. I've known Kaylen since the sixth grade, and I met Billie in ninth. Ever since then, we've been through the thick and thin.

And we've been through a hell of a lot.

We all decided on meeting at the school's media center, then carpooling to a nearby restaurant. We only have an hour and a half, so we must be swift. Time is precious, especially if I want to eat my food without rushing.

I love food, and they know it.

I finally reached the library, and I saw my two best friends waiting in the front of the entrance. I cleared my throat loudly and they turned around. Their eyes bulged out in excitement.

"Ashlyn!" They yelled in unison.

"Hey-" They both charged at me and pulled me in a bear hug. For two skinny girls, they sure have a good grip.

"Okay, okay. Let me go." I demanded.

They both laughed and let me go, allowing me to finally breathe.

"So, where do ya wanna go, Smeagol?" Kaylen teasingly asked.

I rolled my eyes at my nickname. I have a bizarre obsession with Lord of the Rings, and my friends thought it would be so clever to call me the little deformed Golem that is in the movie.

"Uh, not really. Ideas, Billie goat?" I asked Billie.

"Hmmm, same here. Not sure."

"Well damn." Kaylen muttered.

"Look, I don't really care where we go, I just wanna go eat!" I bellowed.

Billie and Kaylen both burst out in laughter at my outburst.

"We'll figure it out." Kaylen said, as we walked out the side gate to the student parking lot.

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