Jermiah and belly( rumer)

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Jeremiah and belly or secretly dating what happenes what a rumour starts to float a around that that they or darting
Will they decline and say no or will they nod and say yes
Read and find out

Belly pov: right now I am sitting up in my bed my leg is stargt and the other one is torching it.  While I am doing my homework  Taylor is in the bathroom getting reddy.  "I can't get this" "what is  it " she says " I can't get this easy done "umm ok what is it about" mind don't say it about relationship umm i it about history it about history and the civil war. She looks at me in a yey right way "yey right" ok what is it actually about

Belly  can't wait to see you


I see the text form Jeremiah I inform it because I don't want Taylor to see Evan though she wil be happy for us

Than I see anthor text for Jeremiah




Mind: Ok maybe I won't tell her but yes no yes no yes no ok I will take about with Jeremiah

Than  finched my history I told her she nods and goes back to wher she was now and I laying flat on my stomach and watching Jane the vegan. I can't  go without watching  Jeremiah now that cruel I mean he is my boyfriend sorry seacrt boyfriend let me explain

A few months ago it was the last day of summer and me and Jeremiah wore friends but with kiss to we did not know what we wher until

Flashback July 10th 2023
(School starts college starts  September 4th)

"Hey jer" yes bells what are we Jeremiah Clars his thourt umm I "Jeremiah would like you to be my girlfriend " I nod my head we kiss and it was pashlete we pull away but I say he cuts me off by saying" secart "relship " I he says I  "we should tell like one person" . "He says like who I say umm like "   "you don't know do you" he says qwute. But we have to lay some ground rules I say as we walk back to the house rule 1 not telling anyone expaly not Conrad  I see Jeremiah nod. Rule 2 we don't talk doring class or hallways he says fine but if you need to you can pull me in a classroom to make out I say and I put my hand up his shirt I Hera him grean. As we keep doing the rules we have my mom  call us for dinner but one rull for dinners lurch and brafict seat next each I say he nods if this does not work different seating. Fine I say we sit down and start to eat so how was the beach my mom says good I say after a while dinner was done. Than me and Jeremiah where in my room marking out what someone is knocks on mu door we stop I say it opan stvan come in.  What are you guys doing he said I uhh we are we are watching tv I said Jeremiah yey ok he said hey jer wannna go play some video games I he said to Jeremiah sher why not he said I giggle and lay back on my bed smiley

Prensent day

So yey that how me and Jeremiah became boy friend and girlfriend we are living storg well secretly. hey Taylor says buzz

Jeremiah ❤️🤫
I am getting worried
I am second did I do something
Belly answer

Yes I say wanna go to this party tonight Jeremiah might be there
I blush because of his name
Wat belly or you and Jeremiah
I blush again but redder
Omg how long she said last summer
Wat what who knows just you we wanna keep a secret form everybody
You know I say yey that makes sense she says well I should get reddy have fun but put sock on the door pls
I nod.

Jeremiah and belly one shots( jelly) (open for requests)Where stories live. Discover now