✺Pickling Jars✺

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Takara's room was not a place for the faint of heart

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Takara's room was not a place for the faint of heart.

"And that's why pickling jars are great for keeping dead stuff in." The strawberry blonde turned away from her helpful companion to open the door to her room.

Well, her storage room as the actual room she slept in was next door. Either way, the inside was dimly lit, and the windows were covered up to block out as much natural light as possible.

Due to the nature of her trinkets, her rooms were separated far away from the others. After the snake and roach incident last year, there was no other choice.

"You can just put the boxes over here." She directed him toward one of the closets. "Did the crunchy fingernail make you this crazy strong, Itadori?" He was carrying everything like it was nothing.

"Nope." Itadori lowered the boxes with ease into the spot before turning to stare at all the jars lining the different shelves. "Cool. What's this stuff they're floating around in?"

Takara smiled at his genuine appreciation for her stuff. The fact that the pink-haired boy was also asking questions and not running out right away made her eyes sparkle with joy. His help in moving her boxes was already more than others were willing to do.

"Oh, they're either in Formalin or high percentage alcohol solution." She explained while checking over a certain beetle carcass. "Although I've been working on preserving them with my cursed energy. If it works, I could end up making them stronger when I use them because of the marinating."

"Why settle for measly arachnids when humans are there for the taking." A mouth formed itself on her classmate's left hand.

The air in the room became thick to the point where she couldn't consider taking in a small breath. There was a rhythmic, low thumping sloshing around in her ears and head. She didn't think it was her heartbeat; the noise was too offbeat and grainy.

"Nanami says that kinda stuff is not okay." Takara frowned at the voice. Still, she answered despite this unease in her stomach. "Plus, humans don't really have much to offer."

"But if it were a sorcerer, that would make all the difference. Don't you think, Takara?" The deep voice curled its teeth into a broad smile. Her eyes went wide as the singular mouth seemed to be gazing right at her.

"Itadori. I don't feel comfortable anymore." She took a wobbly step back. Almost hesitant about whether or not she would need to defend herself, the girl gripped the beetle jar tightly.

The pink-haired boy quickly slapped his other hand over the palm where the mouth formed, making the sound echo throughout the suddenly small room.

Just like that, it was only the pink-haired boy and her again. But it wasn't enough to completely shake away the heaviness inside the pit of her gut. His eyes drifted off to a space behind her.

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