Chapter 2

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Jade–well, Ebony now–held her head high and said, "Good to see you too, Mother." Cinder faced her, pale with shock. A single tear slipped down her cheek, but she wiped it away before anyone in the Authority could notice. Cinder then said harshly, looking down so no one could see her eyes shining, "You are a disgrace! You mean to say that after all this time and grief, you just waltz in here as if you're proud, proud of what you've done, with who you've hurt." She paused for a breath, "You fool, do you really think you're going to live now? Why would you—-Why did you-?"

"Mom, I—I'm–" Before she could finish her sentence, Cinder's eyes rolled back in her head, and she fainted, crumpling to Ebony's feet.

Breeze took charge, ordering the guards to restrain Ebony and, surprisingly, Athena.

"Breeze, with all due respect, I turned her in!" Athena's voice was loud, so loud,in fact, that it echoed around the room.

Breeze held her head high and said, "You are associated with this incident. At very least, you need to be brought in for questioning. Then we can discuss trials and detainment." She then beckoned for someone standing on the edge of the room to pick up Cinder and carry her into a hallway, out of sight.

As they were being led to the dungeons, Ebony whispered, "Welp, at least you didn't get us killed. Or not killed immediately at least," she corrected herself.

"Miss Athena Adams, please follow me." The guard beckoned for Athena, then started walking down a passage heading toward the right, but stopped when she saw that Athena wasn't following her. "Follow me. Now." She drew her sword and held it to Athenas throat. "I said now."

Athena stepped back saying, "Woah. No need to get pushy. I'm coming." She inched down the passage away from the light and Ebony.

Ebony stared after her, trying to communicate with her eyes. She felt a cold blade splice her back, "Owww! What was that for?"" I told you to walk." The male guard shoved her further down the path and into the third cell. "Lady Ebony Winter, you are being held until your trial for..."he trailed off awkwardly, "They haven't informed anyone why you're being held, I'm sorry." He walked off leaving Ebony to her thoughts


Athena walked into a small, white room decorated only with a plain chair and table with shackles. Her guard ordered, "Empty your pockets and submit to a search. Don't make me force you. Then, sit down and rest your hands on the shackles." She said it in such a bland tone, Athena was surprised she wasn't dead. This one will be hard to bribe.

She emptied her pockets, but left one dagger in a hidden sheath on her thigh. Let's see if this one does their job. The guard patted her down, and found the dagger, "Trying to pull a fast one on me? Stupid. Since you're a mentor, according to the Authority," she skimmed down a sheet of paper, "your punishment is a nick on the cheek." Before Athena could react, the female struck her cheek with a neat blow right under Jade's no—Ebony's.

"Oh, by the way you can call me Rune. Sit down, hands on the shackles." She pulled out a sword and held it level with Athena's neck. As Athena obeyed, Rune clicked the shackles around her wrists and said, "So, let's be clear, they ask the questions and you answer. Oh, and if you don't..."

"Ok. Go on, what would happen to me?" Athena said, with the slightest hint of sarcasm and mockery in her voice.

Rune smirked. "I can't tell you." She then turned around and took her post in the

corner of the room.

Many moments later, all four members of the Authority marched in. Cinder looked pale, but outraged. Ripple was silent and thoughtful, as always. Cliff offered a small smile, and Breeze just stared into the distance.

Rune dropped into a curtsy and asked, "Should I leave?"

"Please. Thank you Rune," Cliff said a little sharply.

"Athena, we didn't expect to see you so soon. Here's how this is going to work. You're going to answer our questions and your punishment might get a little shorter." It was Breeze that led the interrogation. "Why do you think you are here?"

"Because you said so. Oh, and I turned in one of the biggest criminals in the past fifty years," Athena responded, her voice dripping with anger, hate, and sarcasm all at once.

It was Ripple that spoke next. "Watch your tone! We are your rulers, and rulers are respected and obeyed." With a twisting motion of his hand, he pulled Athena's head towards him, forcing Athena to bow it.

"But respect is earned, Ripple," Athena said softly, though her head was still bowed. "I can't respect you after what you did to me."

"Ok, next question," said Cliff, trying to lighten the mood and failing spectacularly.

Breeze nodded and asked, "Why did you bring Lady Winter in in the first place?"

"I won't tell you anything. I don't fear you. Do what you want." Athena sat there in silence.

Breeze sighed, "I see you've already been punished and I have no intention to hurt you, whatever you may think."

"Thank you." Athena said through clenched teeth. "It really means a lot that my leaders don't want to hurt me, as of today, but again, you already have"

Cinder spoke. "We're not going to get anywhere with this, so here you go. Miss Athena Adams, you have been sentenced to take care of Miss Ebony Winter while she is still prisoner. You will also be stripped of your status as a mentor until we see fit to return it."

Athena gaped at her, stunned into silence. "Rune! Please handcuff Athena and lead her to the cell by Ebony's," Cliff ordered as he and the rest of the Authority left the room.

Rune bowed, "Of course, sir." She tugged Athena up and handcuffed her, marching her toward the dungeon. Once they were out of earshot of the Authority Athena started to talk.

"Please let go. Don't do this. I don't want to hurt you, but if I have to, I will."

"Is that a threat?" Rune snapped, shoving her against the wall. "If it is, let me be crystal clear, the leaders may not want to hurt you, but I can still punish you."

"Of course it's not a threat," Athena responded, breaking the handcuffs and spinning to face Rune. "Why would I threaten you?"

Rune pulled out her sword and said, "Don't move, or Ebony gets it." Athena stopped, already halfway up the stairs.

"You would never. She's the daughter of one of the Authority. You, a minor guard, hurt her? You would be dead in a second. Cinder might even come and kill you personally."

Rune charged up the stairs, her sword at the ready, and within five seconds she had pinned Athena to the floor. "Hands up. Face the wall. Stop struggling. You're making this worse for yourself."

Athena snorted, but she stopped struggling. As Rune let go to get the extra handcuffs attached to her belt, Athena kicked out her legs into Rune's stomach, sending her flying backwards.

"Like I said," Athena told Rune, who was picking herself up off the tiled floor, "I don't want to hurt you. But I think we would make great allies." 

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