Book 2: Chapter 12

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I had called Theresa to the court today because I wanted to keep her in front of my eyes as much as possible. Not because I was obsessed with her. It was one of the reasons, but my main reason was that I was sure my brother was up to something.

Being chased in the garden last night was my confirmation of it. He was trying to keep a close eye on me and Theresa. I was sure that Celsa was giving him hell already. That might be one of the reasons why he was suddenly becoming more regular with his presence in court. When I showed up at court this morning, he asked me how last night was.

I wanted to throw him out immediately but showed patience and ignored him. Seeing Theresa in court today surprised everyone, but I was happy to see her in my court. However, slightly disappointed that she was sitting far away from me.

I wanted her to sit right next to me. Well, I could make it happen. I need to convince her more. Having her around me as much as possible would be good for us. But it also acted like a double-edged sword.

I tried to focus on the discussions, but now and then, I couldn't help but look at her to see what she was doing. Was she listening too? What did she think of the way I did things here? I wish I could ask for her opinion as well. She was a princess, after all. I am sure she was well trained in court matters since, initially, she was supposed to reign, but things had changed.

I was planning to take her out today after court sessions so we could spend time together, but a messenger arrived right then. Not just any messenger. No.

It was a messenger from Somirea. I knew what it was going to be all about. I sat silently, listening to his message. Everyone was shocked, but I was calm. I knew this was going to happen. I had anticipated this. I had prepared for this. I was always prepared.

But as soon as I heard the clause where Theoron mentioned returning Theresa to Somirea to avoid war, something snapped inside me. I wouldn't let her go back unless it was to rule that cursed land. Even if I managed to annex Somirea, I'd keep her here and make her rule from here.

She wasn't leaving my place anytime soon. I wasn't going to let this happen. Even if she wanted to leave, I wouldn't let her leave. Her life was in danger. She was the safest when around me. But despite this fact, my selfish reasons were also at play for not letting her leave.

"You kidnapped a princess?" Dervis roared, and instantly, the grave silence that hung in the courtroom shattered. Chatter rose. Everyone's eyes were on Theresa. She sat in her seat, looking pale and vulnerable as everyone stared at her in disbelief and gabbed about her.

A thunderous growl ripped out of my throat, instantly shushing everyone.

"Your Majesty," One of my council members said, "This is not good. You have to rethink your decision," I could tell that he was trying to be respectful, but the defiance in his eye was unmistakable.

"Your Majesty, we cannot afford another war with Sumerians, especially with the Zuncans actively gaining power," Another council member joined and soon, everyone was speaking against it.

"Your Majesty, please think about this again. Kidnapping a princess doesn't look good for you,"

"I could have never imagined you'd stoop so low, brother," Dervis spoke up. His voice was the loudest. "I get it, you cannot have a mate, but kidnapping a princess and that too a Somirean princess, is very low indeed. You have tarnished our image, brother. We don't care about war, but what you have done will always be remembered and held against us,"

"I agree with his Highness," A council member joined, and soon everyone was on Dervis' side. I had my jaw clenched. I didn't have much to say, but the anger that I had in store for such a long time was threatening to come out.

Hearing the chorus of voices speaking against me awakened the demon inside me. I felt it stirring inside me, gradually eating away my rationality. I felt my talons coming out, digging into the handset of my throne.

I was loosing control, but this time, I didn't fight. I wanted to show them what happened when they spoke against me. It had been a long time since I had reminded them of what I was capable of. The normal rules for a king didn't apply to me. I was beyond that.

They needed to see my fury once in a while to be reminded of who they were serving. I was going to let the demon out. Ready to set an example they weren't going to forget soon. I could already imagine the taste of blood in my mouth and how it'd feel ripping through human flesh.

...I hadn't tasted blood in a long time... This reminded me of an unquenchable thirst I seemed to have forgotten about a long time ago. The last time I came this far to loosing control was while staying at the guild member's house while my visit to Somirea. However, the situation was different then.

Now, if I let my demon out, things could get worse from here, and a part of me wanted to see how these people would react upon being reminded of my lethal capabilities. However, just before I could take that path, Theresa rose from her seat and spoke up.

"I, the princess of Somirea, declare that the King of Cromirea didn't kidnap me. I came here with him of my own free will," Her announcement shushed everyone briefly.

"And why did you come here?" Dervis asked.

"Because I love him," She answered and instantly, my vision cleared. I was back to normal, but her words had created new chaos in the courtroom.


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