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⤿ Two small figures, a brother and sister, sat huddled behind a jagged rock, their tiny hands tightly clasped as they gazed upon the chaotic scene before them, confusion etched across their innocent faces. They couldn't fathom why people were locked in bitter conflict. It was a sight both bewildering and heart-wrenching.

The little girl, her determination mirrored in her eyes, rose to her feet, gently tugging at her brother's hand to pull him away from the disheartening spectacle.

As they walked hand-in-hand, their path led them to a young blue-haired girl named Nojiko, who was anxiously scanning her surroundings. Her eyes locked onto the approaching duo, and without hesitation, she rushed toward them, her voice a mixture of relief and reprimand. "Nami! Ami! What have I told you guys about wandering around in this place?" she scolded.

"We heard something," Nami replied in a soft, innocent voice.

Nojiko, with a blend of frustration and relief evident in her expression, assumed a protective stance over the younger siblings. "Come on," she urged, her voice filled with a sense of urgency as she guided them toward a substantial boulder, her vibrant blue hair swaying in the gentle breeze.

As they approached the boulder, their eyes fell upon an older woman, her long fuchsia hair pulled back into a ponytail, her grey eyes reflecting both pain and determination. Her distinctive hairstyle resembled a mohawk, giving her a unique presence despite her evident injuries. With the last remnants of her strength, the woman struggled to stand and moved towards the approaching children.

Nami and Ami rushed toward her, their innocent faces radiating hope, and the woman, Bell-mere, couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and optimism wash over her.

In that moment of destiny, Bell-mere decided to take the children under her wing. Together, they left the tumultuous scene behind and embarked on a journey back to her childhood home, Cocoyashi village.


Ami sat beside Nami, watching with a mixture of amusement and admiration as she playfully stuck out her tongue while putting the final touches on her meticulously crafted map of Cocoyashi Village.

Meanwhile, Ami had three sets of books neatly arranged in front of him, their pages filled with the secrets of stealth skills and problem-solving tactics. For Ami, the pursuit of knowledge had always been a thrilling adventure, and now he found himself turning the pages of the last book in his collection of stealth techniques.

His hunger for learning, however, was not satisfied; he harbored a budding interest in acquiring a few medical skills as well.

With a satisfied sigh, Ami closed the book, signaling the completion of another chapter in his quest for knowledge.

Just then, he heard Nami's triumphant cheer, "ALL DONE!" She joyfully set her ink pen aside and eagerly displayed her masterpiece to her brother. Ami couldn't help but emit a surprised noise when he laid eyes on her creation-it was a perfect replica of their beloved village.

"Wah! That's perfect, Nami," he exclaimed, his astonishment mingling with genuine praise, causing his sister's smile to bloom even brighter.

Nami rose from her seat and moved closer to her brother, her eyes filled with a spark of excitement. "Wanna go to the library with me? I see you're finished with your books."

Ami nodded eagerly, standing up as well. The two siblings held hands, a symbol of their unbreakable bond, as they made their way out of the house.


Inside the library, Ami and Nami embarked on their individual quests for knowledge. They parted ways, with Nami heading toward the Navigation section and Ami making his way to the Medicine aisle.

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