006. planes

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Tabitha is asleep in one of the beds, curled up under the covers. Dean is asleep in the other bed, his hand slipping under his pillow after the door opens and closes, Sam and Griffin walking in.

"Morning, sunshines." Sam greets.

"What time is it?" Dean groans.

"Uh, it's about 5:45." Sam answers.

"In the morning?" Dean asks.

"Yep." Sam nods.

"Where does the day go?" Dean sits up. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours." Sam says.

"Liar. Cause I was up at three and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial." Dean states.

"Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV." Sam shrugs.

"When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Dean asks.

"It's been a little, I guess." Sam shrugs. "It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, it is." Dean argues.

"Look, I appreciate your concern--"

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp." Dean states.

"Very sweet." Griffin rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, are you still having nightmares?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. But it's not just Jess. It's everything." Sam says, sitting on the bed Tabitha is on and he hands Dean a coffee. "I just forgot, you know? This job. Man, it gets to you."

"You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that." Dean says.

"So, what? All this it... never keeps you up at night?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head. "Never? You're never afraid?"

"No, not really." Dean answers. Sam reaches under Dean's pillow and pulls out a large hunting knife, holding it up. Dean snatches the knife from his brother.

"That's not fear. That is precaution." Dean counters.

"All right, whatever. I'm too tired to argue." Sam says. Dean's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hello?" He asks. "Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back, is it?" "What is it?"


"Thanks for making the trip so quick. I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around. Dean and your dad really helped me out." Jerry says as they walk through the hangar.

"Yeah, he told me. It was a poltergeist?" Sam asks.

"Poltergeist? Man, I loved that movie." A passing worker comments.

"Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking." Jerry tells the guy. "Damn right it was a poltergeist, practically tore our house apart." He tells the twins. "Tell you something, if it wasn't for you and your dad, I probably wouldn't be alive." He tells Dean before looking at Sam. "Your dad said you were off at college. Is that right?"

"Yeah, I was. I'm... taking some time off." Sam says.

"Well, he was real proud of you. I could tell. He talked about you all the time." Jerry says.

"He did?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, you bet he did." Jerry says. "Didn't know you had more siblings."

"Of course not." Griffin smiles while Tabitha rolls her eyes.

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