Deep Trouble

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Sara wake up with a jolt. What time was it? Where was she? And why did her head hurt so bad? She looked around and saw she was in the bed and Shane and Jason where sleeping on the couch. Jason phones was going off so she throw a pillow at his head. He falls over but answers the phone. "Hel-" is all he can say before someone starts yelling at him. Sara knew who it was right away. It was her father.

"Shit. Shit shit! Shane get up!! What time is it!!" He wakes up and looks at his clock. "It's only 12:45." He falls back asleep.

"Umm Sara he wants to talk to you." Jason hands over her phone. "Hi dad."

"Don't you dare, hi dad me! Do you know what time it is?? You said 9, it's 4 hours after! Who are you even with?! You always tell me or your mother and you never said you were with a guy!! What where you doing!! You better get your butt home now and that guy to come in the house too!!" He hangs up the phone and she looks at the guys.

"Guys I have to get home, now! Like you don't understand I'm parents are going to kill me!!" She starts to panic. She was never out this late before. She didn't know how to handle her dad when's he's mad.

"Little missy, everything will be fine. I'll talk to him and everything will be fine." He smiled and tried to hug her but she pushed him away. "Little missy!! I'm trying to help you!!"

"You're not! You're making things worse. I should have just went home without my chem book!! Why can't you understand! I don't want to be your next fling then get ditched after a month!" She ran outside crying because of what she said and what her parents will do when she gets home.

Shane goes out and starts the car. "Little missy, get in the fucking car right now And I will take you home but you for sure as hell can't talk to me like that again!"

He was getting mad and only Jason knew what happens when he gets mad. He found a girl that he can keep for awhile. She wouldn't let him walk all over her or say just anything to her. Jason sat in the back of the car and watched closely.

When she show Jason in the back she sighed and sat in the front seat. She crossed her arms and only said things when he had to turn until they stopped at her house. She got out and slammed the door shut. He gets out and grabs her wrist. "Don't ever slam a door that isn't yours." He drags her up to the porch and the door flies open. Shane let's go of her and she runs in. Her dad is standing at the door and likes at Shane.

"Well, I see you have no respect for my daughter. Keeping her out till 1am and on a school night! If you did anything to my daughter I will sue you. Got them kid?"

"Yes sir. By the way I'm Shane. If you are going to sue me you need my name first of all." He huffed and walked away. Trying his best mot to swear at him. Shane drops Jason off and heads home.

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