Chapter Seventeen

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"We went into one of my visions," he tells me.

"It was so real" I say. "It was like I was remembering it as if I already lived it."

"Maybe you did," Paige says. "Come on lets go outside and talk."

We head back to the parking lot and stand next to the cars. "So, what do you mean by maybe I lived that vision?" I ask her.

"He already said what he felt was like he was seeing the past," she reminds me. "Think about it. I see things that haven't happened, but will come to be. So, why wouldn't Elijah be seeing real past events that happened to you?"

"But that would make us hundreds of years old. That vision of us picking blackberries, I couldn't tell for sure but it felt like it was early eighteen hundreds."

"It felt?" she questions.

"I felt it too," Eli says, "It's like Alice said. It was like I was remembering it. It was England and early eighteen hundreds."

"So, it's not crazy to think that these are memories," Paige concludes.

"Still doesn't explain why we aren't ancient," Cole says.

"Maybe they are past lives," Tyler suggests. I tell the group about Ty's theory and they all agree that it is plausible.

"I mean, I've had two other visions of the past with Alice in it," Eli reminds Cole.

"What visions?" I ask him

Elijah tells us about his anthropology class. How the professor was passing out tools from an ancient civilization and as soon as he touched one he saw Cole using it in what he felt to be ancient Greece. And how he saw me and another girl, who he now believes to be Paige, walked out of the woods and smiled at him like we knew each other.

His next vision he explains was at a happy days themed restaurant and it happened when he touch some memorabilia. This time he tells us how we were eating in a place just like it but one from the actual fifties. Again Cole was there and he even though he didn't get a look the girl he was with she had brown curly hair like Paige. And in this one he tells me I actually spoke to him and said I had been waiting for him.

"I'm thinking we were meant to find each other," Paige says.

"Well, the three of us were at least," Cole remarks. "He said that there was some one there that could have been you. That's not very conclusive."

"It's a real shame you heal fast. It is really going to take away from the joy of doing this," Paige says right before stomping as hard as she can onto Cole's foot.

"Ouch! Son of a bitch!" Cole yells, hoping on one foot.

"Serves you right," she says as Eli, Tyler, and I all laugh.

As I listen to the sound of Elijah's laughter as he teases his brother I feel a warm current spread across my body. When I agreed to come here it was because we wanted to find out about the shadow and what happened at the bridge that night. I never expected I would end up finding my dream guy.

Yet, I feel like maybe he is what I was looking for all along. I didn't even want to come here but maybe the universe made sure I did just for this reason. How else could we both have decided to come to this same place on the exact same day. Something was trying to bring us together.

"Do you guys live far from here?" Eli asks after the hysterics have calmed.

He looks either nervous or scared and I think I know why. It feels wrong to just wave goodbye and get into our cars and drive away. We didn't find each other just to confirm each others existence then go separate ways. I think it would cause me actual pain to lose him and only go back to seeing him my dreams now that I know he is real.

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