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Ben: You're at rugby right? Can you wait in the changing rooms for me to come in?

Nick: Sure. Why though?

Ben: I need to tell you something.

Nick: Okay!! :)

That message was going to ruin my life. And fuck up my mental health. Not that I realised at the time that Ben was an abusive dick. He told me that he wanted to talk to me alone. I didn't know what he wanted at the time. I didn't know that what he was about to tell me would affect absolutely everything.

"Hey " Ben had arrived.

"Hi." I said, I still wasn't sure why he wanted to talk to me in the changing rooms alone. I didn't mind at the time; Ben was one of my best mates and I was just sorting my bags out so he could come in because I wasn't getting changed or anything like that. I would've felt awkward getting changed in front of him.

"How was rugby?" He asked,

"Fine thanks?" Why is he asking me that? He never normally asks me about rugby. He's fidgeting a bit like he's feeling awkward.

What's making him so awkward?

"So, I heard about you coming out again last week."

"Yeah. I suppose everyone has heard about it."

"Does anybody believe you?" He asks, seeming a bit more confident.

"To be honest no. Everyone just thinks I'm straight because I kissed Tara Jones at that disco we had last year. Kind of annoying really."

I was so sick of people just assuming I'm straight because of the fact I play rugby, because I kissed one girl in year 8 and all that masculine stereotype shit. But it doesn't bug me much anymore, I guess.

"Well," Ben says, edging closer to me, "I believe you. You aren't the kind of person to lie about your sexuality.

"Thanks, to be honest I was worried you wouldn't believe me." Ok yes fine I'll admit my anxiety affected me quite a bit after coming out. Sue me.

"So, yea. Anyway, what did
you want to tell me?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. He just edged even closer, so I sat on the bench behind me, so he wasn't right up in my face.

Then he put his hands next me on the bench and I started freaking out because he was being super flirty with me. I've never thought about him like that before. Or have I? I mean in all fairness he was pretty attractive and he's the classic guy that all the girls want to date. I had no idea that he was attracted to guys.

The next thing I know he just kissed me. I kissed him back not knowing what else to do. Afterwards I looked at him so confused; I had no fucking clue what just happened here, but he then said to me in an almost worried way,

"Please don't tell anyone. I'm not a hundred percent sure about my sexuality and I don't want to get bullied when I don't even understand myself yet."

"Yea of course I won't tell anyone if you're figuring stuff out that's fine take your time." I told him reassuringly.

He never even bothered trying to figure out his sexuality; not that stupid year 9 me realised at the time. Everything that happened with Ben is probably why I'm wary about dating a guy again. I hate talking about this, but I think I've been hiding from this long enough.

No new messages

I stayed up all night waiting for Ben to message me but then I thought to myself, maybe he was busy and that's why he didn't message me and he's probably asleep now anyway. I ended up going to sleep and couldn't stop thinking about him and I was really nervous/excited to see him tomorrow. I was really stupid back then if I'm being perfectly honest.

A/N: hey guys sorry if this story is bad and very formal. I started writing it at school and just thought I should post it on Wattpad. Hope you're enjoying this first chapter. Lmk if you want me to post chapter two. Love you all <3
- Robin

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