2 - The Council Decides

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20 March 2023, 10:00
Boizonel, Besirk de Boizonfeld
Palast de la Republik
Chamber of the General Council of Nusiare

Attendants of the council meeting trickled into the large hall, the seats are arranged around a single seat in the middle which is reserved for the Council Speaker.

Ever since morning came, worries were the only thing occupying their mind. The common folk had already begun to start rumors and chaos is brewing amongst them.

Soon, all of the seats were filled and all there is left is for the meeting to start. "This meeting shall begin now. First of all, we shall open it with a report about our current situation from our Secretary of the Republic, Council Member (CM) Pierre Madritsch.

The council's attention was turned towards the man currently standing from his seat, a paper was held within his hand containing the report he had made.

"Before I give the details regarding my report, I would like to give my thanks to Mister Council Speaker for allowing me to speak.

I will get straight to the point of my report. As of this morning, Nusiare has been hit by a strange phenomenon and is currently trying to process what has happened.. An event now dubbed as 'the Flash' sent our nation to a state of total panic.

While I hoped that the phenomenon was something that could be explained using scientific theories, it seems that my expectations along with everyone has turned out to be utterly wrong.

The Flash has caused various problems within our nation, but I will list two of them that have made the most effect.

The first being is the fact that we are now greeted with the sights of forests and plains instead of the modern towns of Menieria and Dustchlia. Border towns and cities are having a tough time managing their citizens which prompted the Territorial Guards to be deployed in order to maintain the safety of the populace.

The second one is the strangest one of the lot. On the TGN Sarrgues Border Checkpoint, a five-guard team led by Corporal Gervais Vidal was attacked by a large formation of medieval soldiers. Knights, cavalry, archers were seen making an attempt at capturing the town of Sarrgues, though that has been proven futile upon the arrival of an infantry platoon from Company Miluen of the Defense Regiment along with a light attack helicopter from the Air Wing.

There was an occurrence when the helicopter tried to attack a weird group of soldiers. The soldiers fired, in the pilots' words, "a burning hot fireball, conjured out of nowhere" towards their helicopter, which thankfully missed. This small incident puzzled us as to how such a thing could happen."

Murmurs regarding the report began from the council, some had their own interpretations on what exactly happened to their nation -- some more extreme than others.

Pierre continued, "These events along with a couple more that I haven't spoken of are something that has a realistic chance of never ever happening. Nations disappearing without traces of it left behind, medieval knights appeared and attacked our borders.

I'm sure that all of you have formed your own theories as to how or why these events happened to us which is why I would like to present my own. From the information we could gather right now, I had found, in my opinion, the most plausible yet insane theory on this whole situation;

which is that the Republic of Nusiare, our beloved nation, has somehow ended up in a different universe. The 'fireball' incident supports this theory as such a thing could not possibly happen without breaking the laws of thermodynamics along with various others related to it, which concludes that this is a universe with a different set of laws."

The murmurs that had quieted down earlier suddenly surged back, now with voices that agreed and disagreed with Pierre's conclusion. It took a couple of tries from the Council Speaker to calm the situation down.

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