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Today was his birthday. After shedding his fluffy maroon robe, Veer was as naked as when he came into the world. The titanium door slid up with an ominous hiss, inviting him into a dragon's gullet, spasmodic lights gently disguising their true purpose. There was no fear- he'd prepared for this. His apprehension came from five days of torment around Quinn, exchanging only the bare minimum of words.

They were not acting like partners and were about to embark on a mission that seemed easy enough but with many unknown variables. Communication was always necessary for their survival; therefore, the blatant lack of trust between them made the situation far more dangerous than it needed to be.

Veer was mentally prepared to allow Bilodeau to touch him inappropriately and to do the same if necessary, but the thought of Quinn seeing these acts troubled him. It was his job, but it felt like spitting in Quinn's face. The only way to avoid offending his partner was to lure the target into a private area of the club, away from those haunting gypsy eyes.

"Are you ready?" The assistant's voice was comforting- similar to a loving father asking if you had your hot milk before bed.

Lost in his own machinations, Veer hadn't realized he was stalling in front of the door. "Yes. I am." He looked back a bit, and Ramsey, also in robes, gave him a thumbs up. Veer smiled with a nod and entered the time capsule. The door slammed shut as he squatted, the metal floor feeling oddly warm against his feet. He understood the concept of crouching down to start the process; this position mitigated the feeling of being pleated into a million folds as if the machine was preparing you to be stuffed into a little play cube.

This time, however, the action had a sexual connotation that Veer couldn't shake. He hoped it had nothing to do with the fact that both he and Quinn had been completely waxed; something that wasn't part of the time travel procedure, but rather a requirement of this particular mission. He tried not to look between his legs at his limp cock and hairless balls, but temptation won out. It seized the opportunity and sent a mental image of Quinn's strong fingers caressing Veer's shaft, cupping his sac, teasing his hole. His traitorous body liked that idea too much, and he shivered and hardened in response.

The alarm signaling the start of the countdown went off, swallowing Veer's groan. He closed his eyes, but that made things worse because Quinn's smiling face appeared instantly. Veer loved his partner's laughter, but since his return, Quinn hadn't laughed with or at him. He'd been nothing but cold and distant when they were alone and his usual caustic but passable brooding self when the whole team was around.

"Two. One," informed the disembodied voice inside the capsule.

Veer was reduced to nothing for an infinite second. Lightning zapped him, folding and compressing him. Suddenly, he was pushed out of the womb of the time-space continuum onto a cold mosaic floor. They were allowed only a second of disorientation; what or who awaited them on the other side was never an absolute given. Veer tensed, opening his eyes.

"It's all right, buddy. It's all right," Russo and Hollander intoned together. They stood on either side of Veer, none touching him.

But Veer's eyes went straight to Quinn, who was sitting in a high-backed wooden chair, sprawled like a king in a black silk robe- disheveled and glorious, sipping from a metal goblet.

A growl escaped Veer.

"I think he's in shock." Hollander shifted uncomfortably, now stopping his attempt to reach Veer.

"But he did fine in the trial capsule," Russo whispered.

Hollander arched an eyebrow. "You noticed him growling, right?"

"I'm okay," Veer growled again.

"Then stop making those sounds, man!" Russo chuckled, pushing a silk robe in front of Veer.

Veer stood up on his own, without his head spinning or losing his balance. He put on the soft robe and tied it around his waist.

"Here, drink." Hollander offered him a goblet. "Happy birthday! We have a surprise for you!"

"We got an Indian cook!" Russo clapped like an excited child. "She's not from Punjab, but she knew what not to cook, and we have a feast for you!"

A table was laden with bowls and trays of dishes, and it smelled delicious. Well, in this moment any food would smell wonderful after twelve hours without any solids. In that moment, Veer realized Russo and Hollander were dressed like proper Victorian gentlemen, even their ascots folded to perfection. He didn't know whether to laugh or commend them. "Thank you, guys. This looks magnificent."

"Don't thank us." Hollander pointed with his thumb toward Quinn. "Fondant told us where to find her."

Quinn hadn't moved a muscle since Veer's arrival. Now, he made a toasting gesture with his goblet toward Veer.


Neither Quinn nor Veer had been to this time before. Was this a truce offering? Veer tipped his goblet. "Thank you."

Hollander drew out a pocket watch and, in a perfect imitation of a train conductor, said, "All right, Ramsey will be here in three, two, one."

With a crackle, Ramsey emerged as if inflated out of thin air. Whooping, he stretched up. "I love it." Of the six of them, Ramsey was the only one who ever came out of the time travel process like a rollercoaster enthusiast.

The group chuckled, and Russo offered him a robe. "Well, boss, we were waiting for you to start eating."

"Let's dig in then." Ramsey grabbed a plate and started shoveling food onto it. "I haven't eaten Indian in ages."

"Me neither," Quinn grumbled, without moving from his king's chair.

"Then come and get some, you idiot," grumbled Jagger, who had just entered from a different room, still shaking rain (that Veer hadn't heard until now) off himself.

"We weren't expecting you so fast." Hollander handed Jagger a plate.

"And miss my friend Singh's party? Never!"

Four men laughed.

The other two simply stared at each other.



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