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I hope one day that the future will invent a small golden light that will allow it to follow you everywhere you go. And when something bad is about to happen it shines even brighter letting you know when it is about to end.

And when you are about to never see that someone again, it will shine even brighter and the both of you can be a little bit more easy.

And before you never get the chance to eat at the same restaurant again, it will shine and you get the chance to order everything off that menu that you never got the chance to try. 

If someone is about to buy the car you spent so many years driving, the light will shine and you get to take it out for one last spin.

If you end up with a group of friends that you may never get the chance to be with again, all of your lights will shine at the exact same time and you will know that you can hold each other just a little bit longer and be able to get the chance to say "this was a good time, my god how this was so good."

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now