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"She's definitely smaller than the male, how did she survive in the same time period?" A scientist asked as he observed the cave woman on the table next to the larger male specimen on the other table. "She certainly has more delicate features. She's quite pretty." One of the other scientists commented. "Why don't we revive them? It'll catapult our research through the roof! Think of how much information we'd get from studying them!" The oldest scientist only looked at the younger man and scolded him. "Are you out of your mind? You don't know what these two could be capable of. It could be catastrophic to bring them into a world they know nothing about. I'm highly against it."

90 days later, the scientist who suggested the idea of reviving the two cave people was beginning to get frustrated with the lack of activity from the pair.  "Tch what a disappointment.." As the man flicked his cigarette ashes on the male's face, he looked over to the female and smirked. He had initially thought of looking at his porno magazine to pass the time but this was better. He made his way over to the smaller female and placed a hand on one of her bare breasts. "So large and squishy. Her lips are so plump and juicy and her pussy, damn it looks tight!"

What happened next was something no one should ever do to someone who's unconscious and not able to consent. After spilling his seed into the unknowing female, the scientist left the room and decided he was hungry and thought of trying to cook a small part of the Tyrannosaurus that was found alongside the prehistoric couple. As he was cooking, the pair finally woke up. While the male awoke feeling hungry and curious about his new surroundings, the female awoke with a pounding pain in her nether regions. Tears began to fall from her face and her pained whimpers alerted her mate next to her. He looked over to her with worry on his face and cupped her face with one of his hands.

He then used his thumb to wipe away her tears  while his other hand sat on her thigh. The pair sat in a comforting silence while occasionally making clicking, chirps and cooing noises to each other. However this was interrupted when the female's stomach began rumbling. The male knew immediately that his mate was hungry and left to find her food. As he did, the female got out the saline solution she was laid in and noticed a white substance running down her legs. To say she panicked was an understatement. Quickly rushing to find something to clean it, she found some weird cloth she didn't recognize and laid it on the ground.

She then crouched to push all of the white goo out of her that she knew didn't belong to her mate. If she wasn't so upset and embarrassed (Though she didn't know that emotion) she could have laughed at how little there was and how it barely filled her up. Suddenly, a big and loud noise frightened the female. Whining and making a distress noise, she couldn't hear her mate at all. And she really wanted him to hear her. That's when she heard his roar and pounding on the floor.

Rushing to find him through the very dark halls, the female found her mate  shaking a creature that looked like them. But it wasn't a baby. He looked around her height. The creature then was able to make a quick getaway where unbeknownst to the cave couple locked them in the vault they were in. Inside, the pair cuddled and the female listened to the comforting noises her mate made in her ear. Some time later, the male noticed the loud blaring noises that were very unpleasant to listen to.

He honestly couldn't really be bothered by them but his mate however was in tears at how loud they were. This is what angered him and caused him to break the wall and start attacking the creatures outside causing the noises upsetting his mate. "Where is the female? Where is she?!" The scientist asked. "There's two of these horrible creatures!?" A policeman asked while looking at the older scientist in surprise. He simply nodded and pointed to the female who was peeking her head out the hole to see if it was safe to come out.

Once the sun started coming up and the male which the scientists then dubbed 'Pickle' took a seat next to his mate who they dubbed 'Cupcake', a policeman came up to the two after stripping and talked to them. Cupcake looked at the man curiously as she held onto Pickle's arm. After a bit of what could be called a minor conversation with the policeman, the prehistoric couple found themselves being taken to a new place on a strange thing that moved to the sky. They were given clothes which make them both quite curious and rather uncomfortable.

The female did find the shirt she was wearing nice to look at and it made her feel secure in her chest region. After getting off the plane, the two were being escorted through the airport when a reporter tried to interview the pair. Pickle was very interested in the woman and cupped her face to seemingly try and get a better look at her. That was until he was punched in the chest by Cupcake who was glaring at him and growling while the reporter only inched away before she was grabbed by Cupcake and thrown into a wall. The cavewoman then roared loudly expressing just how upset she was.

The security guards tried various methods to calm her but nothing worked. That was until a little girl who left her parents' side to get a better look at the cave people approached the cavewoman and showed her her stuffed T-rex toy. Cupcake halted her rampage immediately staring at the toy with curious and nostalgic eyes. "You like dinosaurs?" The girl asked as her parents rushed up to her to try and move her away. Cupcake huffed and growled at them causing them to move away slightly and watched as their daughter handed the cavewoman her toy dino. "I have plenty. You can keep it."

Gratefully carrying the toy in her mouth, Cupcake made her way over to Pickle who cooed and whimpered at her trying to get himself back on his mate's good side. The cavewoman rubbed her cheek on his and pressed herself up against him in a display to show the females who she saw as rivals that Pickle was her mate and her mate alone. Later that day, Pickle and Cupcake found themselves in a laminated glass enclosure that had very little space but plenty of things to keep them entertained. Minding their own business, the last thing the prehistoric couple was expecting was to be practically surrounded by all kinds of men who had one specific goal in mind. To fight Pickle.

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