chapter 1

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3rd person's pov:

         Today was just another sunny Saturday to anyone, but for little Tiwa  it was a day of merriment, she had been invited to a birthday party, everyone who knows Tiwa knows her love for parties, well more like the gifts she won at those parties

      It was no news that the kid was a very good dancer, which is why she was always invited to any party in the neighborhood, They called her the life of the party.

        Tiwa sang happily as she put on her dress, which her mother had bought for her the previous Christmas, it was only to be worn to church but today Tiwa decided to wear her beautiful 'barbie dress' as she calls it

      The son of the richest family in her neighborhood was having his 10th birthday and the mother of the boy had told Tiwa's mother to bring Tiwa there, Tiwa's mom on the other hand hates when Tiwa goes to parties, although Tiwa got lots of praises from the other mother's, for her amazing dancing skills and her ability to captivate the audience and keep them entertained, her mother hated it for her, she feared even

       Tiwa was only good at dancing, nothing else. A dull head you could say, so because of this Tiwa's mother makes sure Tiwa uses her free time to study instead of 'wasting away' at a party, it saddened the little girl, although she loved to dance but she didn't really have a passion for it unlike what her mother thinks. She believes the girl would end up ruining her life with dancing.  Deep down Tiwa just wanted to be able to read and write and be smart like the other kids in her class, but it was hard. Nobody ever wants to help her study at home while at school nobody wants to teach her how to pronounce words, they always make her teach them the new and trending dances

      "Stick to dancing, learning isn't your thing" a kid had said to her when she tried joining their study session

     Normally Tiwa obeys her mother and stay at home to study, not like she has ever gotten anywhere with studying, but this sunny Saturday she decided to sneak out of the house and go to the party

       "There is gonna be a bouncing castle at the party" Amina her neighbor had told her the day before

        "Yes and there would be lots of food!!" Amina's brother chimed in happily

        "I heard the best dancer gets an ipad, it's so sad I know Tiwa is gonna win it, you'll let me play with your iPad, right?" Amina asked her friend who couldn't say anything because she knew her mom had warned her to stay indoors and study

But she couldn't pass out on the opportunity of owning an ipad, Tyler the birthday boy was the only kid that owned a phone in the neighborhood so owning an ipad will make her the second biggest kid in the neighborhood

         "You won't let me play with your ipad?" Amina asked again sadly

        "She's wicked" Amina's kid bro had said pointing at Tiwa with a frown

        "No, no, I'm just imagining holding my ipad, I'll definitely let you play with my ipad. You're my friends" her friends hugged her happily not knowing Tiwa was about to disobey her mother and get the beating of her life just because she couldn't let that opportunity of winning an ipad slide

       Tiwa's mom sold foodstuffs at the market so she was never home during the day, her father worked as a clerk in a bank, so he too was away at work, just leaving Tiwa and her older siblings, her sibling's usually go play with the other big kids far way from the neighborhood, so Tiwa would be able to pull this off without no one knowing

       Luckily for the kid her hair was still new because her mom had, braided it a few days back. After making sure no one was home, she hurriedly put on her dress and shoes, praying silently that the dance competition between kids isn't over yet. She put on her accessories which consist of a necklace and wristwatch, she couldn't even tell time but she still wore it because it was pink just like her dress. After looking at herself and smiling at her outfit she quickly ran out of the house to the party ground forgetting to lock the door.

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