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**Chapter 6: Salem's Interference**

The air in Salem's dimly lit chamber hung heavy with an aura of malevolence. Seated on a throne of shadows, Salem, an ancient and powerful being, gazed into a scrying pool that revealed images of events across Remnant. It was through this pool that she sensed the presence of G-Man and his subtle manipulation of events.

Emerging from the pool's depths, Salem's voice echoed with a chilling undertone. "Who are you, stranger? What game are you playing?"

In the Beacon Academy library, Blake sat with a book open before her, studying the various creatures that inhabited Remnant. A chill ran down her spine, and she glanced around, feeling as though she were being watched. Unbeknownst to her, a pair of dark, hooded figures materialized in the shadows, their glowing eyes fixed on her.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the academy, Weiss practiced her glyphs, conjuring intricate patterns in the air. Unseen by her, a sinister figure whispered into the ears of students nearby, sowing seeds of doubt and discord. A faint smile crossed the lips of the lurking figure as they observed the effects of their manipulation.

As Yang sparred with a fellow student in the training arena, a gust of wind blew through, carrying an eerie whisper that stirred unease within her. Glancing around, she noticed the arena's lights flicker before returning to normal. Yang's brow furrowed, suspicions growing.

Back in their dorm room, Ruby stared at her reflection in the mirror, her thoughts consumed by their ongoing trials. A shadow shifted behind her, barely perceptible, before melting into the darkness once more.

In Salem's chamber, she watched as her minions reported on their findings. The hooded figures explained G-Man's influence over team RWBY and the unease he had sown among them.

Salem's lips curved into a sinister smile. "So, the stranger seeks to mold the Huntsmen to his will. How intriguing."

One of the minions, a creature of Grimm with an aura of malice, questioned, "What would you have us do, Mistress Salem?"

Salem's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Observe and exploit. If this stranger seeks to manipulate powerful forces, then we shall ensure that his actions align with our goals."

Back at Beacon Academy, team RWBY sensed the mounting tension and unease but remained steadfast in their determination. Their shared experiences had strengthened their bonds, and they were committed to facing whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter the source.

As the influence of both G-Man and Salem converged on their lives, team RWBY found themselves at the center of a web of intrigue and manipulation. Unbeknownst to them, the forces at play were greater and more sinister than they could have imagined, and their trials were far from over.

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