Rewrite AU

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This is a Alternative Universe i made where Wally was the script and song writer of the 70s children's puppet show
"Welcome Home."

And in this AU, Y/N or Neighbor takes Wally's place as the star of the show but Neighbor is the only human on the show, kinda like Blue's Clues with Steve being the most on screen human character.

Neighbor is a human fictional character Author Wally wrote and was his first human character because he usually writes non-human characters.

The rest of the cast members are fictional characters as well and they are Manufactured puppets.

For some unknown reason, Weasley doesn't understand how Neighbor can think for themselves without him writing anything prior.

There are two races of puppets in this AU, One, Manifested puppets and Two, Manufactured puppets.

Manufactured puppet are considered alive with souls of their own and can age just like humans, however they age much slower than humans. They can feel pain and die of age and can reproduce, but it's a complicated progress.

Manufactured puppets are made for the sole purposes of entertainment and don't have a life of their own, they are objects that can't age or feel pain or reproduce unless they are manually Manufactured.

The key difference between them is that Manifested puppets have eye colors and Manufactured puppets only have complete black eyes.

Weasley Darling or Wally comes from a wealthy family with a business that produces good quality puppets for humans, their company is called Darling inc.

Most of the entries in this book will revolve around two timelines or random entries and maybe requests.

if youre the most...

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