Chapter two

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They fill the drive with idle chatter, breaking occasionally so Dean can sing along to a song or so that Cas can read up more, follow hunches or check ideas that he came up with.

It's dark when they arrive, the sun setting an hour and a half before they finally reach their room.

It had been Dean's idea to stay in the haunted motel, he had joked it would be fun. Like being in one of his favourite horror movies. He had rolled his eyes at the glare that Sam shot him when he first said this. But he followed up by quickly explaining that everyone who had gone missing had been in the room alone, they would be fine as there's two of them (and they know how to kick a ghosts ass if needed).

The room smells damp, cold. It's draped in a variety of beiges and greens.


Dean drops his bag in the doorway and flicks on the light. It comes on immediately, "I've been in worse" he chuckled to Cas. The ex-angel was less easily impressed. He put his bag on the table and nodded to the bed.

Singular bed.

"Shall I take the floor?" he questioned. Dean falters for a minute, glancing around the room.

Of course they gave them a one bed bedroom.

"Nah man, you'll kill your back. There's nowhere else to sleep we'll, we'll just share - dont worry." Cas nods, feeling suddenly shy, almost letting himself look it.

They head out minutes after. It's too late to do any work and they're both hungry.

Dean takes them to a roadhouse a mile or so away. They sit near the back with burgers and beers. The hours slide by in the dim lights and the loud music and the good company. It's 1am before they call it a night.

The drive back is peaceful. Just them, the road, and the quiet hum of classic rock filling the air.

They make it back to the room in no time, lock the doors and get ready for bed.

"Top and tail?" Dean questions as he comes back from the bathroom. "Dean, i don't know what that is." comes the reply from the other end of the room. He takes a second and scratches the back of his neck before he decides he's too tired to explain, or care.

He walks over to the left side of the bed, telling Cas it doesn't matter, to just get in. The two get comfy, separately. Both facing away, towards the wall, the space heavy, empty between them.

Neither of them knows who falls asleep first, who moves towards the other's warmth first, who turns to sleep facing the other first.

Dean, however, is the one to wake first.

He stretches as he wakes, his hand falling from Castiel's side of the bed as he does so. He huffs. He's always known he was a pain to sleep next to, he always intrudes in the other person's space.

He lies there for another moment, thinking about the day ahead. He finally moves to get up when Cas first shifts, slowly drifting out of his sleep.

Since cas has become human he's struggled most with waking up.

He turns and scrunches his face and hides in his pillows as he wakes, groaning at anyone and anything that dares to try and wake him before he is completely ready. Unless it's coffee, he will stir for coffee.

Dean moves to start the coffee before he heads to the bathroom to wash and start his day. Feeling fresher he heads back to the now done coffee, humming as he goes. He makes a mug for himself and places one on Cas's bedside table before sitting himself at the table, in front of his laptop.

Cas wakes up a few moments later. Not enough to speak but enough to sit and grab his coffee. He smiles at Dean over his mug, the hunter is still humming to himself. He's in a good mood, must have slept well Cas thinks.

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