Chapter 13

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Author's POV

Prapai and his son standing like innocent culprits in the middle of living room with a confused expressions. Infront of them Sky is standing with a pissed off face, hands crossed. While Kinn and Vegas sat in the sofa and the others and bodyguards were standing on the side interestingly watching the scene infront of them.

" Sky, what do you want to talk? " Pai said in very low voice almost not audible. Why? because he's scared. He could tell from sky's face that he's mad or pissed off a little maybe and that never boded well for him.

" Ai Big, do you think our boss is scared? "

" I think he's scared Arm and trying hard not to show it "

" You, Sky Pheonix Prapai Theerapanyakul, why do you need to sleep till afternoon? " Sky asked little sky making everyone confused

" Aow, isn't it when sky always wakes up? "  he answered innocently

" And why do you wake up in the afternoon? "

"  I don't know, I wake up when I wake up from sleep because no one wakes me up till I get up. Why Papa is it wrong?"

" Very wrong. You should get up in the morning. Over sleep is not good for health "

" Really?? But dada didn't told me that and lets me sleep till I wake up on my own. Dada? " Shit his son just thrown him under the bus. Pai whips his head towards his son and then to Sky

" P'pai?? "

" Khaab...."

" Is it true? "

" Khaab...."

" And why? "

" Because he gets cranky whenever we tried to wake him up and he puts a very sad face. So I let him...." He got fucked up?? Hell yeah!!

" Rain... what suggestion would you like to give in this situation?? " Porsche whispered in Rain's ear

" Keep quiet and don't interfere. Always be on sky's side. It's better for our own sake " Rain whispered back

" Got it! "

" So if he puts on a sad face and asks you to get him the moon will you give him? "

" Ohh why not I can give anything --"

" P'pai!! we're talking about moon "

" Yeah I can get -- I can't?? Yes I can't. Sorry "

" You're spoiling him way too much P'pai. He didn't get up at time, didn't eat on time, had no playtime, no nap time, he plays whenever he wants, no he almost plays all the day, and spends hours watching those dramas. And most importantly which kid is allowed to decide the time when his teacher will come to teach him ! If he doesn't have mood for studying he immediately send off the teacher. I hardly saw him studying three four times since I came. And it's all because of you P'pai. Why are spoiling him that much? "

" Why can't I spoil him? My baby is so small not to spoil him sky..... he's just four years "

" Ai Big, did our boss just whined? "

" He not only whined but also pouted "

" He's already four years P'pai! I'm not saying to stop spoiling him entirely. I'm saying he needs to learn discipline, he needs some rules and regulations and have to make sure he follows them. He's well mannered kid but he can't decide everything according to his mood. His entire routine is messed up and that is going to effect not only his health but also his future "

Prapai and his son didn't say anything just keep their down obediently listening to Sky. While others are holding their laugh.

" Uncle Porsche, uncle Kinn why didn't you stop them till now? You should've put some sense in them "

My Forever Sunflower 🌻On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara