A Length of Rope

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Here is a poem from my new book: Time Lapse which is from Black Moss Press publshed in 2012:


A Length of Rope


It started to rain

lightly at first

then a downpour

my father put his hand on my shoulder

and said I’m right behind you

it was a good mile from lake to house


I was 12

my father 43

my brother ahead of us

moved branches out of the way


Wet and shivering

we walked through bush thick with mosquitoes

I held onto the same length of rope

my father and brother held

so we would not separate and get lost


My father said

Boys at one point

but nothing else

when the faint light from the house came into view

my brother let go of the rope

charged ahead and

waited shivering on the porch


That was before the house burned and we moved away for good

that night in the rain

holding that length of rope

we were sea creatures suddenly making land

disoriented and unsure of our footing

near the house my father said

Time for a cigarette

but waited until inside


The rain flattened his hair

against his scalp and turned it darker

so he looked years younger

he chucked the rope in a corner of the porch

and said let’s eat boys

holding up a string of pickerel

one fish stronger than the rest flicked its tail


The damp, glistening rope lay bunched in the corner

my mother had convinced him to take it

in case it rained

she came out then with towels

took the fish from my father

the air smelled of wet cotton.

A Length of RopeWhere stories live. Discover now