31 - New Journey Ahead

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8 Months ago, Salem's Domain.

Salem was drinking her glass of wine on the balcony, she gazed at the view in front of her. Once she gets all the relics, she'll destroy this world, along with everyone living in it.

She let out a tiny laugh, she felt it, Beacon was destroyed, and the fear grew stronger, radiating in every corner of the world. The Grimms below are getting stronger; they're feeding off the negative emotions.

Her plan will succeed.

Soon after, a jellyfish-like Grimm, Seer Grimm, came behind the Mistress. She turned around to see Arthur Watts. He seems to have a message for Salem.

"Arthur... Didn't I tell you if you disturb my peace like this ever again, I'll have you dead? You must have an urgent message for me, risking your life like this." Salem's staring down Watts. How dare he to interrupt her alone time.

"Oh- Ah.... I apologize for disturbing your time, my lady.. I do have a message and yes.. It is urgent." Watts replied he was sweating from his seat.

"Hmm... Speak." Salem ordered Watts as she casually slurped her wine.

"I believe that... The Fall Maiden's dead."

Salem raised an eyebrow, this is good news.

"Ehem- The CURRENT, Fall Maiden is dead. Cinder." Watts clarified what he said, and Salem's eyes widened.


Cinder was a vital part of her plan, they had finally grasped the Fall Maiden's power. If Cinder's dead, then they can't get the relic from Beacon. They have to find the new Fall Maiden to get the relic.

Salem closed both her eyes and in a fit of rage, almost broke her glass of wine with her grip strength. She calmed down as she opened her eyes.

"..How?" Salem asked Watts, he cleared his throat as he delivered his report.

"Her aura, it's gone. My radars could no longer pick her aura. I believe she was up at Ozpin's former office when she died. My drone has found traces of her aura there though... There was also a sword that had traces of her aura and a little bit of blood, but no corpse was found. It still confounded me how she exactly died.. I suppose that sword must've stabbed her."

"..Who killed her?" She asked Watts. She doesn't really give a flying crap about Cinder, she was just a pawn in her game. But she was an Important pawn at that.

She was a temporary asset for her goal, after she finishes her dream, she'll kill her right off the face of Remnant.

"Well.. about that, I don't know the answer, but our friend Tyrian here, has an idea of who it might be."

Watts moved away to see Tyrian trembling, it was like he was a baby that somebody stole his lollipop.

Salem made a straight face.

"Speak." Salem ordered Tyrian

"I-I think I know who it is that k-killed Cinder.. I recognized the sword, It was Sasuke Rose's. He probably killed her." Tyrian said to Salem, he didn't make any eye contact.

'Sasuke Rose...? Rose.. Why's that so familiar?' Salem pondered as she sighed.

"I see... Why are you trembling, child?" Salem took notice of Tyrian's behavior.

"..Have I pleased you?" Tyrian asked her Mistress. Salem smiled and after everything Tyrian had done, she was pleased.

"You have destroyed Beacon, along with Cinder, correct? Then yes, you have made me happy." Salem said to Tyrian, that those were the words that he wanted to hear thus he smiled upon hearing her goddess' praising words. That made Tyrian's day, he forgot all the pain he felt on his tail.

Salem noticed Tyrian's tail, it was missing a stinger.

"I also have good news, my lady." Watts spoke to Salem.

"Ozpin's dead. Cinder killed him." 

Salem was pleased to hear this, his beloved Ozma was dead. She closed her eyes, she let out a tiny laugh. A mocking one.

"Watts, Tyrian is in need of a new tail."

"It will be done... That's all we have for now.." Watts bowed down, and Tyrian did the same as the communication was cut off. She proceeded to wave her hand, indicating for the Seer Grimm to leave. She turned around once again to sightseeing from her balcony while she took a sip of her wine.

'Oh, Ozma.. My beloved Ozma... You have no power to stop my force.'

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