002. stanford

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"Left bunny ear goes over the right bunny ear, then..." Sam ties the six year old girl's new sneaker. "There."

"I don't get it." Tabitha whines.

"You'll get it." Sam encourages.

"I knew how to tie my shoes when I was five." Griffin gloats. Sam notices the dejection entering his sister's eyes.

"Well, that's great for you, Griff. But... hey." Sam makes Tabitha look at him. "Everybody learns things differently and at different ages. Don't let him make you feel bad." The fourteen year old comforts.

"Enough of the kiddie shit." They all turn at John's grumbling voice. "We got a case, Sammy. Stick to the veclro."

"She has to learn to tie her shoe eventually." Sam points out.

"She can teach herself." John insists. Sam rolls his eyes, his jaw clenching. "Get your ass over here and help your brother and me research." Sam's jaw gets tighter, trying to hold back. He glances at Griffin who glances between the two like it's a tennis match. He moves his gaze to Tabitha who is nervously glancing between the father and son, preparing to run and lock herself in the bathroom to escape the yelling.

Sam takes a deep breath through his nose, managing to calm down a bit, knowing the fighting always scares Tabitha so he tries not to do it too much. Fighting every urge to start yelling, Sam reluctantly gets up and joins his father and older brother at the table.


"Are dad and Dean not coming?" Griffin asks Sam as the seventeen year old and nine year old sit on the bleachers.

"Uh..." Sam winces. "No. No, I don't think so." He answers while helping his eleven year old brother with his soccer cleats. Griffin sighs, looking down. Sam frowns, knowing how it sucks not having people there to support you. "But Tabby and I are here. We're cool enough, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." Griffin mutters.

"I'm cool." Tabitha insists, giving her brother a dirty look.

"Yeah, sure." Griffin rolls his eyes.

"You're all set." Sam says.

"Thanks, Sammy." Griffin says.

"Hey." Sam grabs his arm to prevent him from leaving. "Forget about them, okay? It's their loss. I get it, trust me. Tabby and I will be super loud and super embarrassing."

"Don't." Panic enters Griffin's eyes as he rapidly shakes his head. Sam laughs.

"Go, Griffy!" Tabitha shouts, loudly clapping.

Griffin groans as he goes to the field while Sam continues to laugh.


"Do you have to go?" Tabitha frowns as Sam packs his bag.

"I don't wanna hunt. I need a normal life." Sam says.

"Then take us with you." She pleads. Sam lets out a sad sigh, looking at her in sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Tabby." Sam says, crouching in front of where she's sitting on the bed. "I don't want to leave you, really."

"Then why are you?" She sniffles. "You're leaving us with them."

Sam's heart cracks at the heartbroken expression on her face and he cups her face.

"Hey. When I get enough money, I'll come back for you -- for both of you. I promise." Sam tells her.

"You're not gonna forget about us?" Tabitha questions.

"Never." Sam kisses her on the forehead. "Just remember -- stay in the bathroom until all of the yelling is over. Okay?" Tabitha nods.

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