the 4 girls

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Leo pov

I looked at the academy in shock. It was very beautiful and huge and colourful with so many students walking around and laughing with their friends.

Back in my old life I used to be homeschooled, for a prince should not be seen in public till he reached the age of puberty.

I made my way out of my carriage, my butler following me with my suitcases.

I enjoyed the view silently not until i heard some noise, i turned around to look and there were 4 girls laughing and playing with each other and one of them even kicked a girl ass but one girl got my attention

She had very dark black hair and green alluring eyes. She looked very sweet and funny but the necklace she wore shows that she is part of one of the strongest families in the world. It was called the lavishko clan.

A very famous one and is one of the clans that was blessed by the ultimate god himself. If I remember correctly she was one of the top 5 strongest assassins in the world but she didnt even bother to look for Leo. Maybe she thought the rest could take care of him.

But one good thing is that she was never my enemy but from what i remember she is a second year which means she is 17.

Well whatever is none of my business i just hope i dont meet her or any of her friends which are as equally as strong as her.









Welp turns out i was wrong cause even though i wished not to meet any of these 4 by coincidence i met them again but this time it is me on the floor with alexandra looking at me no more like glaring at me ... .is that even the same person.

Anyways what happened was........ Flashback:

You can see Leo walking around the school hallway after he entered his dorm and put his stuff there.

Leo was looking around looking at the school painting with amusement but out of nowhere he hit onto someone and that was Nina Afro, one of alexa lavishko's friends.

Both of them fell from the impact and what was worse was that alexa was also there but thankfully the other two weren't here. Alexa hurriedly ran towards Nina and asked if she was okay while glaring at Leo with so much hate but then that hate dispersed into curiosity.

End of flashback.

¨Hey arent you alexander younger brother¨ asked alexa while looking at him curiously.

Leo was confused but he still stood up and said ¨ yes i am my name is leo lespin night nice to meet you miss alexandra lavishko¨.

Alexa eyes widened ¨ ho ho you are very different from the way your brother described aint that right nina¨.

Nina had short black hair with white streaks and she was quite similar to alexa in some ways ¨ yeah true thought he would be spoiled or some shit¨.

¨Hmmm alr you are in what part of the school??¨ Alexa asked while smirking.

¨I- i am a magician¨ Leo said without any hint of fear in his voice.

Alexa smirk fell down ¨welp looks like he is your junior nina... why is it that all the most interesting people always go to magicians¨.

¨Maybe because we are cool¨ nina said while smirking.

Alexa sighed while rolling her eyes and then turned to look at leo ¨ welp gotta go now see ya soon my dear junior¨.

Leo watched them walk away and blinked confusedly..... And began walking away too. 

Alexa was with Nina while holding each other's hands tightly while walking towards their dorm.

Nina looked at Alexa with narrowed eyes and Alexa seemed to notice it.

¨Why are you looking at me like that?¨ Alexa asked while smiling.

¨Alexa this is the first time you ever take interest in someone¨ Nina said as she continued walking.

¨Heheheh i am not sure if you noticed but that boy seemed to have a blessing from spirits¨ alexa said while smirking smugly.

Nina's eyes widened and gasped loudly ¨what no way why would they.... I dont understand ..

¨Me too but if the spirits have taken interest in him then he must be interesting no a very fascinating creature heheheheheh¨ alexa said smirking and laughing

Nina sweatdropped but walked beside alexa.

Soon they entered their dorm and the moment Alexa opened the door a pillow flew over and smacked her face at a very high speed and the criminal was none other than a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and yellow eyelashes and her name is angel

Angel was wearing a white dress with wings coming out of her back while laughing and throwing pillows at elizabeth.

She was flying around laughing with tears coming out of her eyes and Elizabeth was pretty much hiding under the bed while trying to throw pillows at angel.

Alexa smirk widened and she ran into the room and took a random pillow from the floor and smacked right an angel face.

¨Hey hey dont just play without me ahahahahahaha¨ alexa smirked while looking at them.

Angel smiled and took 5 pillows and threw them towards alexa but alexa dodged it and instead the 5 pillows hit nina instead.

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and turned around to look at Nina who had a very pissed expression on her face.

She took a pillow and threw it right onto angel'ś face and half way the pillow froze  turned into ice and smacked angel's face so bad angel fell from the air and fainted.

¨Now then that is good peace and quiet now let's go to sleep¨ said Nina while smiling..

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