001. introduction

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John Winchester and Maeve Reinhart. Two hunters who would run into each other on a case every now and again. Drunk nights led to one night stands -- every time they saw each other.

After finding out she was pregnant, Maeve held back on hunting for a bit, hoping not to run into John at all. She knew what he was like and didn't want him around the boy she gave birth to. John didn't find out about the boy until a year later when he ran into Maeve while he was on a case.

After a lot of fighting, they ended up right where they usually do, in a motel bed. She immediately told him about the second child as an attempt to prevent another outrageous argument from happening.

John never visited the children, not once showing a single interest in them. He wanted nothing to do with them. He focused on finding the thing that killed his wife and dragging his older two children around the country.

But after Maeve died when the children were three and five years old, the law somehow managed to track John Winchester down and he was forced to pick them up and take them to whatever current shitty motel room he and his boys were staying in at the time.

When he returned with the quiet boy and hysterical girl, Sam and Dean were beyond confused. After only a brief explanation of the relation between the four children, John went out to the bar.

Fifteen year old Dean got fed up with the youngest's crying and went outside. Griffin cowered into the corner of the couch, not at all comfortable with the new setting or new people. He was still mostly in shock of everything happening -- processing losing his mother, being forced with his father, and being introduced to two people who were supposedly his brothers. Tabitha, who remained inconsolable, was approached by eleven year old Sam.

The preteen had sat on the ground to be more level with her after he grabbed the pie Dean stole a few days ago.

"Do you like pie?" He gently questions, holding the container out to her. Tabitha sniffles as she looks down at the plastic cover, noticing the raspberry pie inside it. She let out a small whimper, attempting to open it with one of her tiny hands.

Sam quickly put it on the ground and opened the container, handing the toddler a spoon. Tabitha sat on the ground, digging into the sweet dessert, seeming to calm down.

"I'm Sam." He says after she's seemed to calm down enough. Her wide, innocent green eyes stare up at him, raspberry covering the area around her mouth. "Can you tell me your name?" The girl sniffles before answering.


Sam nods, gently smiling at her.

"Can you tell me your brother's name?" He asks.

"Gifpy." She mispronounces, a small lisp present.

"Uh..." Sam tries to decipher what the name could be. "What?"

"Gifphin." She says.

"Gif-- G-- Griffin?" He asks and she nods. "Okay." He mutters. Sam gets up and goes over to the couch. "Hey, Griffin. How you doing?" The younger boy doesn't answer, just staring off into space. "I, uh... I have some coloring books. And crayons. You want those?" Griffin shakes his head. "Okay. Are you hungry?" Griffin shrugs.

Sam goes over to the small kitchen area and rummages around until he finds a bag of Doritos. He winces, knowing it's not the best option, but it's also all they have aside from the pie. Sam goes back over to the couch.

"Here. You can have these. I don't like them very much anyway." Sam says, opening the bag and putting it down next to the boy. Griffin slowly takes the bag, eating one of the the chips.

"Thank you." He quietly says.

"Yeah, of course." Sam nods.

Sam continued to try to take care of the two young children, not even caring about having to face Dean's wrath about the missing pie.

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