what did i do to desearve this

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Shays POV
My alarm clock rang I was so scared to go to school its almost the end of the school year but I'm still scared I get bullied a lot I don't even know why? I hop into the shower and hop out I put a white bra on and a white tank top and a white shirt that said "I love you too" on it in black then I grabbed a pair of black legging and put them on I straightened my hair did I mentioned that I dyed my hair blonde it use to be red but I didn't like it so yes blonde it is I brush my teeth my teeth are very white like white as a ghost lol I love my body I dont cut or anything I tried it once but it hurt really bad I swore to myself I would never do it again I just cry to slove all my problems I'm a straight A student and yes I put in some black vans and ran down stairs I put two waffles I. The toaster and made some tea,once the waffles were done I sat down and ate 10 minutes later I still got 2 hours I tell I have to even get up and 4 hours I tell school but I like to wake up early I turn on the news and read some books I go up stairs after awhile and make my bed fold my clothes and clean up my room a but soon I realized I still had 1 hour and and 49 minutes left and my room. Was spotless and I had nothing else to do so I sat down and texted Alex my only friend

Shay:hey can u pick me up today I'm outta gas only for today please?

Alex:sure no problem but I'm not even up yet?

Shay:sorry gn


See my only friend ONLY I've never been a popular girl but I have had a crush for a very long time now his name is Dylan but he could never love me cuz he's a football player I'm not even popular enough to have a nerd to know my name ha u kidding I can barely have a teacher remember my name! Well Alex is out side I guess I spent an hour rambling on about how much my life sucks.

Dylan's POV
I heard my alarm clock go off I grab my football and throw it *sigh* I really don't wanna go to school I don't even want to play football my mom. Makes me popular cuz she's rich I hate being rich I wish I was poor always struggling I don't even k ow how that feels
Great I'm already upon set but there's only one thing that makes me happy there's this one girl named shay and she really pretty all my football players make fun Of her I feel so bad but Im just as bad cuz I don't stop it

D mom:Dylan ur gonna be late!

I run down stairs cuz I slept in my clothes and eat my breakfast and walked to school I don't like the bus I see shay she's getting pushed around


Steve:Dylan? Since when did u care about someone except your self

Dylan:since now so just stop hurting her my dads a police officer

They run off and I put my hand out to help her out

Dylan:u ok shay?

Shay:yes thank you is ur dad really a police officer?

Dylan:yes he's the cheef

Shay:oh cool well I got to go

Dylan:oh ok um shay do u wanna idk maybe hangout sometime like today after school

Shay:for real? Seriously the lamest girl in school

Dylan:your not lame your cool and yes for real


Dylan:here's my number

I did it yesssssss

Shays pov
Dylan the boy in my dreams asked me to come over I can't believe it I go to 1st hour and he was in my first hour too he stared a lot

Teacher:shay you wanna awnser?

Shay:ha? Oh um 1924 September 21st


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