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Lottie sat with her head on the edge of Theo's bed, her head sore and eyes tired. "Lottie?" Isaiah asked. She hummed, taking her hand from underneath her son's. "Are you coming to bed?" he asked.

She swallowed hard, kissing the boys head and walking to the door.

"He was burning up again," she whispered, walking past Isaiah. "He'll be okay," he assured her. "Tommy said that necklace is supposed to break the curse or something" he reminded her.

"Curses." she said. "That's all this family is, a curse. First it got John..it almost had Arthur-"

"Lottie" he stopped her. "Lottie," he repeated, holding her face and pulling her to her feet. "Theo is going to be fine" Isaiah repeated.

As if it were a miracle, two days later, Theo seemed to be perfectly fine. Lottie had returned to her normal self, less paranoid.


Lottie stood in the busy room of Tommys house, laying eyes on Gina and Micheal. He was telling her about the deal. She looked away from him, looking back to talk. Suddenly her eyes widened. The price, that's what had gotten her.

"So did you know?" Lizzie asked Polly, standing. "What? Oh that tonight's special guest may have fucked you when you were a nightclub hostess? Yeah. Lizzie if we were to strike form our guest list, every man from Birmingham who-"

"Fuck" Lizzie whispered. "Yes or no?" she asked. "Fucking yea"


"Mr Oswald, my wife, Lizzie. Lizzie, Sir Oswald Mosley" Tommy introduced. They looked at each other. "Since we all appear to know and since knowledge is permission, i'm sure Mr Shelby in the spirit of our honest relationship you won't mind me saying, it was a bottle of champagne and an evening well spent"

"Actually it was an evening wasted" Lizzie corrected,"For the champagne and brandy you bought me, as i recall it was the booze that put you to sleep a little prematurely" she said, throwing a coin into his drink.


Everyone sat watching as a dance was performed in front of them, A swan dance. Polly discretely disappeared outside of the tent.

Tommy leaned forward, frowning at Arthur who was asleep, he then leaned backwards, looking at Micheal and Gina. They looked at him. He nodded toward Arthur and Micheal tapped him. Arthur grunted and looked at Tommy, sitting straight.

Lorries eyes diverted to the car approaching.


Arthur stood in front of the headlights, squinting when Linda appeared. "I heard there was a family occasion?" she said. "Look i'm sorry, Linda, that animal inside me, it comes out and i can't stop it"

Lottie walked out, watching from the fountain.

"Fuck, Linda, without you..come inside please" he begged. "His name was Frederick, all we did was talk, Arthur. He just listened. And now he has no face, he's as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside"

She pulled a gun and Lottie's eyes widened. "May you peaky blinders all rot.."

"In fucking hell" Linda shouted. A gun sounded out it wasn't Arthur who fell.

She looked as Tommy appeared. "Arthur" he asked.

They all looked over their shoulder at Polly who held a gun. Linda lay on the floor.

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