Meet the family

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First off there's dad, Alex. He's 30 years old, though he hides it well. He has black hair and green eyes. He is a tall man and the single father of his five children. His grey hair has stayed mostly to the sides while the rest of hair stayed in a swoosh. His views on discipline may seem out of fashion to some, but he is a firm believer that nearly any misbehaving child can be quickly whipped into shape with a leather belt on their ass. But he isn't that strict, he's much more lenient on his younger children.Mason is the oldest child. This 16 year old is extremely protective of his younger siblings, yet hands out a large amount of the torment. Mason is careful never to hurt his siblings too badly, but still makes sure they know who is in charge. His eyes are light blue, and his hair light brown and is mostly messed up. He's on the soccer team, and nearly shows his dads height. He's strong, and always looking for a challenge (or a fight -3-)Lilac is definitely the smartest. Showing a little more mercy than their other siblings, this 15 year old is always in their room watching either anime or south park. If for some reason they aren't, that just means they had been called for something or getting snacks. Lilac has long medium brown hair with little mint green streaks at the ends. they have dark green eyes, and wear contact because their embarrassed of their glasses. A few inches shorter than their older brother, Lilac is always trying to challenge their older brother, while keeping a well known dominance over their younger brother and sister.Iko (14), she is just based of blockan from minty so here ig: is a silly 8 year old boy. He has his fathers light brown hair, and bright blue eyes. Liam is definitely not close to being as tall as his siblings (well since he's 8), but he doesn't let it bother him. He is almost always smiling, and quite the tattle tail. Trying to keep up with his older brothers isn't easy, and he often finds himself falling victim to the torture. He tries to avoid any punishment, and is a fairly good kid, give or take a few tantrums.Emily, 'the little angel'. Being the youngest, and only girl, she's often a spoiled brat. This 5 year old has long blonde hair, and also has heterochromia, meaning she has two different coloured eyes, one blue and one green. She's sweet, and often avoids her siblings torment, but when she does get involved, she is the first to cry and go running to dad. But that doesn't mean she doesn't fight back. She also has ADHD.

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