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"Dont kill me mum-"

"Now why on earth would i kill- what have you done this time?"

"Yeah Freddie, what have you done this time?~"

George's voice made me want to hysterically laugh but i chewed on the inside of my cheek to keep myself as calm as possible.

"Er. . please keep in mind this is something that I wanted to do, there's no harm, no foul. . but im engaged."

All of the voices stopped then and I held my breathe, convinced that you could hear a quill drop in the silence to follow; I heard one big inhale of air before it let out in a pig like snort.

"You're what?!"

"Engaged, mother. I asked Rose to marry me and she said yes."

Ginny poked her head out of the kitchen and I squeaked before I buried my face in my hands.

"You're hardly of age to use magic, let alone to even think about being engaged. What makes you think thats a good idea?!"


"Dont you mum me! Do you even know what you're getting yourself into by getting married before you're 18? How can you be so sure that she's the one you want to stick with for the rest of your life?!"

"Im sure of it, but didnt you and dad do the same thing?-"


I felt a warm set of hands touch both of my shoulders and I looked up curiously, anxiety making my heart pound painfully in my chest, but thankfully it was only George.

"Let's get you up to our room before her yelling wakes that portrait up again, she's bound to lose steam eventually.


A knock sounded on the bedroom door and George got up from the side of the bed to answer it, hesitating in opening it up a crack just to see who it was.

"Ah, where'd Fred go?"

He opened the door amd in came Molly with her cheeks slightly flushed, a few whisps of her fiery hair askew from its normal updo.

"Downstairs helping your father and Ginny with preparations for dinner, and i suggest you do the same."

George vanished and then it was just me and Molly; she fluffed her apron and tried to smile but it just came out as a grimace.

"Im not mad at either of you sweetheart, not at all. I just want whats best for each of my children."

She shrugged her shoulders but I nodded.

"I get it, really, i do. I know that we're too young. . but he's made a few good points. I dont want to die wondering what could have been, and with You Know Who at large, it could be any day now."

I got to my feet and pocketed mu wand before i touched the spot on my chest that was over my heart.

"I want to live whatever type of life i have with him, no matter what gets thrown at us. I love him, and i wont want anyone else throughout my life."

Molly wiped at her eyes with the hem of her apron and just nodded before she marched into the room and crushed me to her chest in a hug that took my breathe away.

"Welcome to the family."


"Load of rubbish, that woman."

A few of us older years were lounging around the common room fireplace after the start of term feast and i felt like an alien, holding Fred's arm with the ring pulsating like a neon sign on my finger; look at me, look at me, look at me. Lee Jordan bade us farewell before he went up to the dorms for bed and that just left me, George, Fred, and a few others from our year who's names i couldnt remember.

"Yeah, well, I have her first thing in the morning. I dont like the aura that surrounds her at all."

I yawned, and Fred gave me a tiny squeeze  before he let me go and i rolled my shoulders, running a few fingers through my hair and making a mess; i had double defense against the dark arts, herbology, double transfiguration, and double potions all on the first day back and i was already tired.

"Go to bed honey, you need the rest."

I glared at Fred before i poked a finger menacingly at both him and his twin.

"You two need to go to bed too, you spent all summer working on your shop and the last thing we need is more points taken from us before the years really started."

George merely rolled his eyes and Fred winked, so i just turned around and went upstairs to bed, a huge yawn escaping my lips before my head even touched the pillow.


"Now, put your wands away and open your textbooks to the first chapter. I understand that in your years past you have had incompetent teachers that didnt do the algorithm properly, so we have a lot of work to catch up on."

I left my wand by my left elbow as i pulled the book from my bag and flipped it open, and Professor Umbridge's toad like eyes zeroed in as she passed by my desk.

"Wands away Ms Potter, you wont be needing them in mu class this year."

I looked at my wand just laying there and then up at her with a raised eyebrow.

God if i ever have a daughter im not putting her in pink, its such a horrid color. .

"Im not holding it or using it am i? Its just there in the table."

She flared her nostrils when she saw the ring and then her beady little eyes took on a nasty dark glint that reminded me of horse dung.

"Going against the orders of a Ministry Official? Are you sure thats such a good idea Ms Potter?"

"I think its a wonderful idea if my wand is literally just sitting there doing nothing, and its Ms Weasley to you."

I knew id done it then by some of the noises my classmates made, steam was practically pouring out of her ears now.

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