ix. All Hallows Eve

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Lorelei wouldn't call herself a control freak . . . then again, who does? Her uncle certainly doesn't—Uncle Tim, Hermione, Percy Weasley. She does not group herself with them. And yet, when it concerns the All Hallows Eve Costume Committee, Lorelei Yates becomes what she dislikes, what everyone hates: a total nut.

Obsessive, a bit insecure, a little hotheaded. Basically, whenever Lonnie lesson plans for Potions. Of course, Lorelei only realizes how alike she's become to her uncle after the holiday ("Oh, no. I've become a monster!").

Though, like Lonnie with his precious itineraries, the All Hallows Eve Costume Committee is Lorelei's child of obsession. The moment she realized the wizarding world severely lacked Hallowe'en spirit thus making for one drab, dreadful holiday, she petitioned Dumbledore with the idea of a group that'd assist students with costumes. To everyone's surprise, the Headmaster approved it instantaneously. She wasn't. By the way he dressed, she always knew he loved a good getup.

And thus, the All Hallows Eve Costume Committee was born (also referred to as 'Achoo!' because when abbreviated and said quickly, it sounds like a sneeze).

Preparations for the holiday begin precisely on the first day of October. Not a day later. Lorelei gathers her members in their makeshift home-base (Lonnie's old office, coincidentally near his current one) where they'd spend the evening brainstorming. Hermione creates the informational pamphlets for unsuspecting first years; Ginny heads the member initiations with her naturally scary and intimidating nature; Fred and George gather measurements, ideas, and reservations from students; and the others man battle stations.

As for Lorelei, she consults with Dumbledore on the subject of the costume contest. Yes, contest. How could anyone have a Hallowe'en celebration without one? Last year's was a big hit. Through her blazing intuitiveness, Lorelei connected the contest to the houses: the winner receives house points. The announcement is made at the end of the feast, headed by her and her committee. Everyone's in costume, obviously.

Well, except for someone. Someone who promised last year he'd dress up if she attended his quidditch practice . . . someone who is not living up to his promise.

"You said you'd be Mr. Fantastic! It's next year, Harry!"

Through Lorelei's misfortune, Hallowe'en day happened to land on the first departure to Hogsmeade. It's like Lonnie had changed the dates to drive his point home. Safe to say, the conversation wherein she announced her banishment was humiliating, especially coupled with Harry's unhelpful snickers. Hermione was very displeased yet satisfied with repercussions for her dangerous escapade (Lorelei's offended, truly); Ron just laughed.

Down in the Gryffindor Common Room, everyone's applying finishing touches to their ensembles. Carmine Weatherby's vigorously slathering white face paint all over his body (She has yet to figure out what he'll be), while his friends confusedly stare at the makeup palette borrowed from the girls.

And yes, Lorelei is furiously upset with herself, and Lonnie, for not being able to attend Hogsmeade, but excitement still flowed through her veins. Yet, when she went downstairs halfway dressed in her costume, looking for her accessory bag held by Hermione, she noticed, with panic, that her supposed group was not wearing her designated outfits.

In times of stress, Lorelei tries never to panic. One, two, three—deep breaths in and out. Months before Hallowe'en, her costume is already completed. Each accessory is placed carefully inside organizers, garments hang from hangers and zipped in protective plastic. Days into October, the castle is nearly all the way decorated, including every hidden nook and crowded Common Room. Everything is in its proper place, students who need last minute assistance ask her other members so as not to stress her further—it all runs smoothly.

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