It's Not The End of the World

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"Love equals me and you"


I looked in surprise at Star sitting with some random stranger. She ignored my text, and now she's sitting with someone else.

Is she... avoiding me?

No. She can't be. Maybe she just got confused. This is Star we're talking about. Maths class dragged on as I ignored everyones curious glances, but once it was done, I stood Infront of Star. She didn't look up at me, instead she was packing her stuff quickly.

"Girl what's up?"

No reply.



"Star." I said more firmly, but still, no reply. Nothing. Everyone kept glancing at us as they rushed out, but I didn't care about what I was used to, I was more focused on the girl in front of me. What could I have possibly done to get this?

I stayed back just for a minute, hoping she would explain herself. But she didn't. So I left. I know where I'm not wanted, and for the first time, it's around Star.

Hurt, I quickly packed my stuff before heading to the next class. This has to be some joke. Maybe someone blackmailed her?..A prank maybe? Whatever it is, it's not funny.

Surprisingly, classes passed by quickly and before I knew it I was dumping my books back in to my locker. At this point I'm frustrated. How could she just start avoiding me just like that?! It isn't fair and she knows it.

I was busy slapping Star in my mind when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Somehow, I suddenly knew who it was, and sure enough, when I turned around, it was him. And as usual, his gaze held me in place.

"How was classes?"

"It was ok dad."

"Hey! I'm only old enough to be your brother."

"Whatever Xavier. And, I'm sorry for how I acted in the library."

"No I'm sorry for not being honest with you."

"I understand."

"So we're good."

"Yeah...but it'll take more than you asking me about my classes before I fully forgive you."

"Let's see what you'll be saying after our date."

I blushed a little at the reminder. Not because he held my hand and laced our fingers together as we began to walk.

"You're going to get me to forgive you by taking me to the beach."

"By taking you on a date." He corrected.

"Can't wait." I replied sarcastically.

"Is Star actually avoiding you?"

And just like that, my mood falls once again. How did I already forget about that?

"Yeah, I don't know why."

"What was the last conversation you guys had?"

"We last talked about...Jason."

"What exactly?"

"Well, when I told her what he said about why he kissed another girl, she acted a bit weird."


"Do you think she'll talk to Noah?"

"I'll ask him." I nodded, then let my mind go into overdrive.

Totally Not ClicheOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora