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writing this while running because online pe stops for no one 😞💪

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writing this while running because online pe stops for no one 😞💪

Victorious for the first time in what felt like eons, the Resistance returned to their original base with a bound Harumi in tow. The platinum blonde laughed bitterly at her situation. "Oh, how the tables have turned."

"Yeah, your plan worked. We got Harumi," Dareth summarized as Nya tied their prisoner to a chair in the back of the room. "Now what do we do?"

Nya took a step back, assessing her handy work. "What if we use her for trade?" she suggested. "Our friends in the Kryptarium Prison for her."

Harumi smirked. "How does that make you feel, Lloyd? That your father cares for me more than his own son," she spat.

"My father cares for no one, only his thirst for more power," Lloyd clarified, not faltering from her taunts. He turned to his teammates. "He won't free our friends. We'll hold on to her until she's valuable to us."

"My generals have been here before. It's only a matter of time until they find me," Harumi promised.

"I hate to admit it, but she's right," sighed Dareth. "I hope whatever courage you have up your sleeve is an ace, because right now, we're about to fold. But don't tell me right now 'cause I think she can hear us."

The door swung open, revealing the culprit of said action, Skylor Chen. "Found something, in her belongings."

"I think you need to see this," reinforced Mystake.

Harumi grunted as she struggled to get free. Lloyd glanced doubtfully at her, unsure if it would be wise to leave her unattended. "Go," Nya urged. "I'll keep watch over her."

Lloyd followed Skylor and Mystake out the door, Dareth trailing behind in curiosity. "What is it?" the young leader questioned.

"The Oni Mask of Hatred," responded Mystake.

Skylor held up the violet mask, its cruel face ever so slightly resembling Harumi's. "If your Elemental Power doesn't return, this could certainly help."

"If it's an ace you're looking for, that's a pair of them," commented Dareth.

"But Oni power is Dark Magic," Mystake warned solemnly. "Wield it only at your own peril."

"What do you want to do?" pressed Skylor.

Lloyd stared deep into the painted eyes of the Mask of Hatred. He took it in his hands.

And marched back into base to throw it down at Harumi's feet.

"My mask!" she cried in recognition. "You're going to steal it?"

Lloyd glared at her, unimpressed. "Save the performance, I'm not going to use it. It's a trap. The only reason someone as smart as her was captured is because she wanted to be."

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