Part 1:The South-Pole?

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Water, Earth, Fire, Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days. A time of piece. When the Avatar kept balance between Water-tribes, Earth-kingdom, Fire-nation and Air-nomads.

But that all changed when the Fire-nation attacked! Only the Avatar could master all four elements and only he could stop the ruthless fire-benders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

A hundred years have passed and the Fire-nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe; journeyed to the Earth-kingdom to help fight against the Fire-nation. Leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe.

Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air-nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope.

I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world!

3rd person point of view

The cold air blew over the small canoe as the water-tribe boy and girl try and catch some fish. The boy held out his spear ready to catch a fish. Snow all over the place. "Its not getting away from me this time. Katara watch this." The boy says to his sister who only seem to focus on the fish in front off her eyes. She rolls her eyes at her brother. She takes off her left glove and take a deep breath. In an attempt to catch a fish with her ability. In a swift hand motion and then using both hands and arm motions she catches on in a small water bubble. "Sokka look!" She calls her brother to look at the fish in the bubble. "Katara, Shhh.Your scare it away. I can already smell it cooking" He says softly, with his tongue sticking out his mouth. "But, Sokka I caught one!" She says again, bring the fish in the water bubble over her brother head. He lifts his spear and pops the bubble. Splashing himself wet and letting the fish get away. "Hey!" Katara yells. "Why is every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" He asked, turning to face her. He was pissed and Katara could tell.

She sigs and look at him. "Its not magic water, its waterbending and it-" Sokka cuts her off with what she was about to say. "Yeah, yeah. And ancient art. Unique to our culture, bla, bla bla." He says drying out his ponytail. "Look I'm just saying if I had weird powers I'd keep my weirdness to myself" He says his back now turned to Katara. She looked at him with her arms crossed. "Your calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself, every time I see my reflection in the water." She states a fact out to him. Noted he was already doing just that which she was pointing out. She had a smirk on her face and he pulled down his jackets sleeve and look back at his sister.

Just before he can answer something hit their canoe and they where pulled into a fast flowing stream. Both their eyes where big and their hearts sped up. Sokka try's to steer the canoe to safety, but it was no use. The current was to strong. They hit multiple small icebergs. "Watch out!" Katara yells as she sees them about to crash. The ice was flowing in front of them. Sokka tries to steer away, but with no avail. "Go left!" Katara yells and Sokka felt like hitting her out cold. The canoe got caught between two ice chunks. They got out just in time before they also got crushed. "You call that left?" Katara snaps at Sokka as she glares at him. "You don't like my steering. Maybe you should have waterbended us, out of the ice." He answers her, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"So its my fault?" She ask him standing up from where she was sitting. "I knew I should have left you home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up." He says resting his arms on his legs. He didn't look at Katara, but he could feel her eyes on him. She got mad and glare daggers at him. "You are the most, sexes, immature, nut-brained; I'm embarrassed to be related to you!" She yells. She is swinging her arms wild. Water splashes and rise up behind her. At the end of her sentence Sokka hears a crack from an iceberg behind her. Her waterbending causing it the crack. His eyes grew scared. "Ever-sense mom died, I have been doing all the work around camp. While you've been off playing shoulder!" She has had enough. With every word spoken the water broke the iceberg. "Umm Katara..." He mumbles trying to get her attention. "I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you; not pleasant!" She pointed him and at the last word the threw both her hands back. Cracking another piece of the iceberg. "Katara Settle down..." Sokka ties again but to no avail. He was getting scared of his own sister. "That's it I am done helping you! From now on, your on your own!" She yells and that was the last blow needed.

The iceberg split open. Sokka grabs his sister and hide her under his body. Sheltering her from the cold air and noise. They where knocked back on the water. Both holding onto the ice. "Ok. you went from weird, to freakish Katara." Sokka says still laying on the ice. "You mean I did that?" Katara as she looks at her brother in sock. "Yep, congratulations." He says with a smirk.

A glow underneath them caught their attention. It took a few minutes to reservice, but it was a piece of ice. As it reservice they both jump up. The shadow of two humans could be seen. "Their still alive! We have to help them!" Katara yells grabbing Sokka's club and running towards the iceberg. "Katara! Stop it! We don't know what that thing is!" Sokka yells at his sister. Trying to stop her. Katara hits the piece of ice with all her strength. Sokka stands behind her. Her last hit and their is a huge puff of air. Pushing her and Sokka back a few feet. The ice cracks again, bursting open and a bright beam of light shines from inside. Waves shook through the ocean.

***On a Firenation ship.***

Not to far away, a Fire-nation ship sails. The Fire-nation prince being on the ship. "Finally." He says looking back at his uncle with his normal frown on his face. He faced his uncle who was sitting behind him, playing a game off some sort. "Uncle, do you realize what this means?" He ask his uncle. His uncle doesn't even look up from the tiles in his hand. "I wont get to finish my game." He states in a bored tone at his nephew. "It means my search, its about to come to an end." He says turning back to the light. His uncle sighs at him. "That light came from an incredibly powerful source! It has to be him!" Zuko argues. His uncle just look at him for a minute. "Or its just the celestial lights... We've been down this route before prince Zuko. I don't want you to get to excited over nothing." Iroh says placing a tile down on the table. "Please sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea?" Iroh ties to lead Zuko's attention away from the light. Zuko explodes. "I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar! Hounds-man, head a course for the light!" He orders. Iroh only shakes his head and palce the tile. A small gush of wind hits them. Making the sleeves of Iroh's robe flutter alongside the tiles.

***At the iceberg***

While back at the iceberg. the wind dies down and two figures climb out of the fog that has formed. "Stop!" Sokka ordered and both stop. It didn't take long for both to fall to the ground. Katara catches the boy while Sokka the girl. Who he just lightly lay down on the ice. Sokka pokes the boy's head with his spear. "Stop it and look at her!" Katara snaps at him. Sokka bends down in front of the girl. She was breathing, but still out cold. The boy grouns and opens his eyes. He was stung by Katara's beauty. Wind blew, making her hair sway in the wind. The girl didn't open her eyes. "I need to ask you something..." The boy mumbles to Katara. "What?" She ask looking at the boy. "Please come closer." He pleads to her. "What is it?" Katara ask him again. "Will you go penguin sledding with me?" He ask with a big smile on his face. "Uh, sure. I guess" She answers with a shocked look on her face. "Whats going on here?" The boy ask looking around rubbing his head. "You tell us! Why where you and this girl in the ice!" Sokka ask pointing his spear at the boy. "And why aren't you frozen?" Sokka ask as the boy looks at the girl. "I'm not sure." He says bending down. "Wake up!" He yells and the girl snapes her eyes open and jumps up. "What the hell!" She yells. A roar is heard from the other side of the ice. "Appa." The boy says jumping over the ice. He hugs the bison. "Are you alright?" He ask the bison. "You know Ang, a person would think you would care more about your sister..." The girl says. "Sorry Azelea." He mumbles jumping down from Appa's head. "Wake up buddy!" Ang says and tries to lift Appa's head. Katara and Sokka walk around, their jaws almost dropping to the ground as they look at the beast before their eyes. Appa opens his mouth and lift Ang with his tongue. Ang laughs. "OK!"

"What is that thing?" Sokka ask in shock. "This is Appa, my flying bison." Ang says with a huge grin. "Right, and this is Katara; my flying sister." He says wirh his arms crossed. Katara did not look impressed. Appa started to make funny noises and before anyone could react he sneezed. Right on Sokka. Who did not take it well. He rubbed his head on the ice trying to get the buggers off. "Get it off! Get it Off!" He yells. "Don't worry it will wash out." Ang says as Sokka looks at the snot that is stuck to his face. "So, do you guys live around here." Ang ask, his sister smacking him upside the head right after. "Don't answer that! Did you see that light. He is probably signaling the Fire-navy." Sokka says pointing his spear at the two Air-nomads. "Oh yeah, I'm sure their spy's for the fire-navy. You can tell by the evil look in their eyes." Katara says swatting the spear away from them.

Ang had innocent eyes, but Azelea didn't. Sokka didn't trust them but they had no where to go and it was getting cold. Also, Sokka and Katara where stuck. They all went to the village together. Azelea didn't speak much and that made Sokka question her a lot. She was silent, while Ang speaks your ears off.

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