ooh love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love

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Sometime around three in the afternoon, the sole four executives of the Union simultaneously received a text from Kingsley Kwan.
Due to some personal reasons that are now resolved, the Union's new babysitter will be able to start his duties this coming Monday.

Since this matter had been delayed, you are free to meet the new babysitter in advance here in Donald Na's Yeouido Estate before his expected time of work.

As per Donald Na's orders, you can only do so when accompanied by your respective children.

Be warned that failure to bring them with you will result in your entries into the premises being denied.
Equal parts curiosity and excitement overcame the four executives in various degrees, but they all shared the same thoughts, 'Finally. We can meet Donald Na's personal pick.'

As for the children, once they were informed that they would be able to meet their new babysitter ahead of time, it was a cause of excitement and nervous mayhem.

The poor fathers bore the brunt of their hyperactive emotions.


Inside a car en route to Donald Na's Yeouido Estate, Forrest could be seen driving it with an exasperated expression as his two little tykes detailed to him how they would play games with the new babysitter.

Just like Kingsley stated, Forrest thought it was the children who drove off the new hires with their rowdiness and playfulness.
(Not knowing it was him and his fellow fathers who did because even a mosquito biting one of the kids was automatically the babysitter's fault.

They all ran off scared for their lives because of how overprotective they were.)
"Dadad, dadad! What's our new playmate like? Is he scared of frogs, too? But frogs are so nice! Can he play with other bugs? I like beetles, does he, too? Roro-hyung, you like beetles too, right? And dragonflies and bees and earthworms and—!"

"Breathe, Sammy. And don't talk with your mouth full, chew them properly and swallow it or you'll end up choking."

"But—but, dadad—!"

"Sammy, I want your snacks too, can I have some?"

"Oh, Roro-hyung, here! It's yummy, right? It's grape flavour, I like grapes cause it's like my hair! See, see? Do you like grapes too, Roro-hyung?"

"I like Sammy and Dad the most."

Sammy burst into giggles and Forrest smiled at the interaction. Thank fuck his eldest was a responsible older brother even though his Rorobin was only a year apart from his little brother.

His Rorobin knew exactly how to calm his little brother down because Forrest could never. Not because he didn't know how to, but because he would just scold Sammy one time and then wouldn't have the heart to continue scolding him again.

As it was, his little Sammy finally calmed down, dutifully handing out his snacks one piece at a time to Rorobin who slowly chewed his portion which made Sammy copy him and now, he was finally chewing properly.

Turning left at an intersection, he hoped the new hire wouldn't mind his little tykes' preference for bugs and slimy animals.
(If whoever he was ended up making his Sammy feel bad and his Rorobin sad, he'd fuck up his shit and Donald Na wouldn't even know about it.)


Once he had all the necessary things his Jack-Jack might need in the bag, Jimmy made his way to his son's room.

Union BabysittersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang