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At school, class 4

A female Worker Drone, with purple hair and violet eyes, black heavy jacket and winter hat, a black small skirt and boots, was presenting her school project, a laser gun, the only diference between this and a normal one was its barel, that had a giant gear with 3 large teeths, and between them had a window, showing a flowing green energy. The gun was in the table in front of the worker, while behind her were 5 screens showing blueprints and powerpoint presentations. The entire class was sleeping, while the teacher was half awake while she was finishing her presentation.

"So, with aaaall of this, I was able to make a gun capable of destrying the very a-" She was stopped by the sound of something falling in wood. She looked to the side and saw that the teacher had slept. With no one awake anymore, she picked her gun and empty backpack and ran away.

The worker was careful when she left the school, to not be seen by anyone. She ran to a giant door, in the middle of giant walls, that reached 50 meters, and a blue-ish force field, creating a globe arround the colony she was in. She got close to a panel on the side of the door, showing a blue ID card, that had her name, Uzi Daarman, the name of her Father, Khan Daarman, and the name of the company, Daals. Her card was special, having the title of owner, since she is the daughter of the Creator of Daals.

The door opened, revealing 4 male worker drones playing poker on a table, with another door behind them. All 4 of them looked to the, now, open door with a curious looks. When they saw who was, one said:

"Hey Uzi! Nice to see you. Here for another school work?"

"Yeaah... School is giving us a lot of work *nervous laugh*" Uzi gave a ankward smile while going to the panel on the side of the other door, never taking her eyes out of the workers.

"Haha! Of course, my daughter says the same thing, but I think she's just being dramatic" The workers laugh while Uzi uses her ID card to open the other door.

"W-Well, nice to see you guys, but I have to go"

"Sure, just be careful, we nerver know when They're gonna attack" The worker had a serious face, but it was replaced with a smile while all 4 of them waved their hands. Uzi stepped outside and the door shut in front of her. Looking behind her, she saw snow everywhere with some destroyed buildings in the horizon.

She used a panel on the neck of her coat to turn her clothing white, hiding herself in the snow as if she was part of it, and then taking her gun out of her back.

"Hope I find something useful today"

Uzi reached the destroyed city. There she could see some skeletons on the street, some belonged to humans, others to animals, but that didn't interest Uzi, she continued to walk through the city, looking at the entrance of the buildings, all of them had a large purple X sprayed on them. She continued to walk arround a giant tower made out of workers corpses, the tower reached 50 meters. Looking in the last Building in the city Uzi groaned in annoyance.

"Ugh, I alredy looked through all buildings here" She then looked to the tower with a worried look and started to walk towards it.

She got close to the tower and saw the corpses of the workers, looking away from it, she tried to look for an entrance, but only found entrances high up. Uzi sighed and started to climb the corpse tower, feeling disgust every time she touched a corpse. When she had climbed enough to enter the closet entrance, she saw that inside had absolutely nothing, just snow on the ground. Uzi then started to leave, but saw something shining on the ground, she then took a better look and saw that, in the ground, there was a lot of material from workers. She looked outside and heard her surrondings and decided to go down.

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