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The bell rang, signaling the end of school.

The students packed their supplies and quickly piled their way out the door. It was Friday, after all. They were looking forward to the weekend, especially one with no homework!

   Adrien had just finished packing his books when he heard Alya trying to stir Marinette from sleep...again.

"Come on, Mari," Alya insisted, shaking her best friend, "You've gotta wake up."

   Marinette groaned, "Five more hours..."

    Alya let out an annoyed sigh but Adrien could see the concern drawn on her face. He couldn't say he wasn't worried either. The bags under Marinette's eyes were so dark that they could've been mistaken for using a sharpie to draw on her face.

   Lately, Marinette has been coming to school looking more and more like a zombie with each passing day. It made Adrien wonder if Marinette had gotten any sleep at all this past week.

   "Girl, the only time you didn't sleep today was walking to your classes because I wasn't going to piggyback you everywhere. You were knocked out during every class, nearly face-planted into your lunch, and almost got a face full of one of Kim's dodgeballs. How are you still so tired?" Alya asked.

   Adrien couldn't tell if it was Alya's reporter or motherly side was making itself known.

   However, the only answer Alya was given was soft snores coming from the aspiring fashion designer. The ombre-haired teen hit her head and shook it in disbelief.

   "I don't have time for this. I need to go babysit my sisters," she groaned.

   "I can try waking Marinette up so you can go, Alya," Adrien offered. Alya looked at him for a moment. There was some sort of glimmer in her hazel eyes that the blonde couldn't quite decipher.

   "Would you?" Alya asked. A hint of mischievousness was laced in her voice but was mostly gratefulness for the save.

   "Of course! My bodyguard won't be here for a little while so I'm kind of stuck here," Adrien replied.

   "Great! Thanks, Adrien! Just make sure she gets home safely and doesn't get flattened by a car," Alya instructed before running out the door.

   It was now just Adrien and Marinette left in the room.

   Plagg flew out of Adrien's inner pocket, making the model panic at his Kwami's sudden appearance.

   "Plagg!" Adrien scolded in a quiet voice, trying to not accidentally coax his friend awake, "What are you doing? What if Marinette wakes up and sees you?"

   "Oh relax," Plagg waved off Adrien's worries, "I bet if I licked her cheek, she wouldn't even stir."

   "Don't you dare do that," Adrien warned. Plagg shrugged and lazily floated in the air.

   "Oh, I also want cheese. If you don't give it to me now, I'll lick her cheek to prove that I'm right," he mischievously said.

   Adrien narrowed his eyes at his Kwami.

   The model didn't like the idea of Plagg being out in the open at all while Marinette was sleeping only a foot away from them. Sure, she was in a pretty deep sleep but that didn't mean she wouldn't be able to wake up at any moment-

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