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~Chapter 6~

Thank you for the kind words!
I'm feeling a bit better now and I can go back on making stories again!

I just posted the chapter1 of my other story! Pls check it out!


Tamayo's Pov:
I was just walking to Tanjiro and Giyuu's bedroom to tell them to eat if they are awake,

As I was walking there I heard a little bit of sounds...

I walked over there to see what was going on but I tried my best not to get burned under the sunlight.

When I got there my eyes widened to see Giyuu standing in the sunlight

Then I saw them both holding swords...

I just smiled at this

"Good Morning Giyuu and Tajiro, I see that your training, come inside and eat so you can regain stamina"-I said

They looked at me and smiled, then they went inside and prepared to eat

After they ate breakfast they cleaned the kitchen a bit then they said they're thank you and was going back to training

"They're so kind aren't they Yushiro-kun?"-I asked Yushiro who was doing the dishes

"Ah yes they are Lady Tamayo-Sama"-He answered

(🤭This might be Tamayo-Sama Pov for the who chap lol)

After a few hours I was just in my- (idk does if she have a laboratory or smth?) -Laboratory

I was thinking of ways to turn him back into a normal human... Although I finished the results there was always something missing.....

The Demons Blood

I need it to be able to finish the Cure/Medicine

"Ah Yushiro-kun could you please come here?!"-I said Screaming a little bit for him to hear

After a few minutes Yushiro came

"Yes Lady Tamayo-Sama?"-He said

"Could you please call Tajiro-Kun and Giyuu-san?"-I asked

"yes of course Lady Tamayo-Sama"-He said bowing then leaving the room/Laboratory

I looked back at my cure/medicine that I had created not too long ago....

Trying to add a bit of other stuff to make sure it's affective

"Lady Tamayo-Sama I have bought them..."-He said entering

"Ah you guys I need to question a bit of that demon you guys had encountered."-I said

"Yes what about it Tamayo-Sama?"-Tanjiro asked

"Could you guys tell me everything that happened in that battle?"-I asked

"Uh sure Tamayo-Sama!"-Tanjiro asked

*Flashback to the last battle*


Tanjiro's Pov:
After making it to the place i was missioned onto i saw a demon...... although this demon he was wierd.....wierd look wierd scent and wierd personality......he doesn't look like he was eating people he looks like he was making them onto......Demons.

"My Demon Lover!" (Giyuutan) {𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖𝕕}Where stories live. Discover now