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"Salwa get up its your first day of school!"

Great. Another shitty year in a new school. I'm mentally preparing my self for how bad this could be but I really don't know what's going to happen. You see my mom is a CSI agent and got promoted but the job is in San Diego. Once upon a time I was a 17 year old girl Salwa Deverine who lived in Arizona and moved to California. Yea whatever right. I roll out of bed and throw on a simple black v-neck, a pair of miss me jeans,and my white vans. I skip straightening my hair and let my brown waves down.

"Salwa you're going to be late get down here!"

"I'm going mom!"

I take one last look in the mirror and hope for the best as I make my way to school.

I enter the doors of Magnolia High School and just as I suspected I got dirty looks from the girls and glances from the boys. I feel so hated and unwanted.I overhear the girls whispering about me and the boys going on about "the new girls nice rack". Maybe wearing a tight exposing v-neck wasn't a good idea. I manage to find my first class Algebra 2, and as I enter I see only the most attractive smile hidden in a group of boys. As I'm standing there drooling over the boy I feel a light tap and turn to see another handsome boy. I can get used to this.

"You're kinda in my way."

"Oh... sorry my bad."

Well I was expecting him to be a lot nicer than that.

He smiles a gentle smile and stares at me a bit.

"And who are you" he chuckles

"Salwa I know it's a weird name so don't remind me. I'm kind of new here..."

"I see. I'm Logan I have a feeling we're going to get along just don't hit on me I'm kind of a big deal I don't want you to be even more hated then you already are."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh at his comment. I like the kid he seems less fake than the rest of the kids.

"Oh so you know I'm already hated? How so."

" Well first off your pretty hot but I can't look at you that way you're too...hmmm....innocent. How about we stick to being friends for now ey? By the way people here don't favor new kids you'll get use to it here."

"That sounds great FRIEND of mine. So how am I suppose to be liked?"

Just as I asked him the bell range for class to start.

"How about you hang out with me and I will show you around?"

"Sounds great." I replied timidly.

I can't believe this beautiful blonde haired boy with sparkling blue eyes talked to me. This day hasn't been all that bad. I take my seat in front of Logan and I see he's talking to the cutie I first saw. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful features. Brown messy hair, blue eyes,gentle thin lips. I guess I was staring to long because the boys started laughing and checking me out. I quickly turn to the front but I'm interrupted by a soothing voice.

"Like what you see doll?"

There was chuckling after around the room. I was flustered as the whole class saw the incident. I didn't know what to do so I just turned forward and got through class.I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was exiting class and turn to see Logan what a relief.

"Hey Salwa don't mind Joey he's stupid at times. But I see you have a thing for him ey?"

"God! A girl can't look at a boy who also happens to be handsome without being judged?!"

"Wow calm down I was joking. I gotta admit though you were staring at him as if you wanted to rip his jeans off then and there!"

I think about what Logan said and can't help but imagine Joey without clothes on causing me to blush. I try and push it away by comparing classes with Logan. Turns out we have all our A day classes which makes me feel relieved. Our next class was history and as we entered I see none other than Joey.

" Can't get enough doll can ya?" He smirks.

"As if" I say with an eye roll.

History goes super slow and besides Logan,I really hate the class mainly because its filled with girls who mug me and constantly cough out the word slut. At first I thought they were talking about me. But I see a tall brown-blonde haired, blue eyed, beautiful girl turn and flip everyone off. I feel sorry for the girl I mean why would a beautiful girl like her be hated. Then I remember what Logan told me, girls hate hot girls. He says they look at it as a beauty competition, the most beautiful one gets the prize. One of the popular hot boys. Joey is one of them. A bit of jealousy runs through me but I shrug it off. I lean next to the girl as she stares at me confused.

"What? Are you here to call me a slut too? 'Cuz trust me bitch I will cut you!"

I lean back in surprise at how tough the chick is. I like her already.

"I'm Salwa I'm guessing you're hated too?"

"You got that right. Apparently sucking your ex boyfriends dick is a big no no. I'm Megan or as they call me the school slut."

She reaches her hand out and I shake it. Something about her miss me feel safe. Maybe it's because she stands up for herself. Class is over and I introduce her to Logan. He's happy to see that I made a friend and goes back to his group of popular kids.

"I can't believe you're friends with the Logan Somers I mean he's one of the it popular kids."

"We just hit it off he's a good kid ya know."

"He's got a nice man hood." Megan snickers " Just kidding I haven't done him..........Yet."

"Oh god I don't wanna know."

We throw a friendly giggle and make our way through the school.

"Come on I'll show you around Salwa."

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