part 1

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Y/n's pov:
Today marks the midway point in the season so far we're 3rd in the league with chelsea being first and man united being second. On the way to training, I get a message from Jonas telling me to meet him in his office after training today.'What the hell could he want?' Continuing the drive to training all I can think about is what he could possibly want or what I've done wrong. Pulling up to training, I can't get the thoughts of why he could want a meeting out of my head. As I head into the changing rooms, it must be obvious that there's something wrong as I've already had beth and leah ask if I'm okay. I end up just brushing them off and heading out onto the pitch early.

Lotte's pov:
As I head into training, I look around, and there's no sign of y/n anywhere I ask around, and everyone says that's they haven't seen her. Until I get to beth and leah 'have you talked to y/n she seemed off this morning?' leah says this concerned me as she's usually always happy in the mornings 'no what's wrong?'


Short part as I've been busy with football as preseason is starting. Let me know what u want to happen, and I'll strat writing part 2 tomorrow
Keep safe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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