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Michael's POV

Although he didn't want to leave so soon he couldn't wait around for the police. He made his exit out of the main road and crept back into the shadows. His main objective as of right now is to find his sister, Laurie Strode. He spent too much time tracking down your location and needs to find her before it's too late. Her friends had already been murdered so it's not long before she finds out herself.

Michael makes his way through the neighborhood and finds her house. Before entering he makes sure she's inside by looking through each window, stalking his prey. He sees her watching tv with two small children. Deciding to wait it out he keeps looking through the window until he notices her go to her phone. Laurie dials in numbers and twists the cord with her finger while she waits. No one answers the phone so she rings again. The same thing happens and she begins to look nervous.

Michael steps back from the window and watches as she exits the house and crosses the street. She knocks on her friend's door before deciding to let herself in. Michael follows after her and enters quietly behind her. Laurie calls out and gains no response. Walking around the house everything seems normal until she finds items knocked over and broken. Getting more anxious, she runs up the stairs to find her friend on the floor...dead.

All the color leaves her face, turning her ghostly pale. She shrieks and grabs her friend's hand out of disbelief. Laurie can't believe something like this could happen. This has to be a prank. Before she can process her emotions Michael enters the room. He tries to attack her but she manages to dodge. She grabs a piece of broken mirror and jabs it into his side. He stumbles back and she uses this opportunity to run past him. He follows her down the stairs but she swiftly escapes and darts outs. She opens the front door and runs outside to be met by police cars. They were the same ones Michael saw before he left you on the street.

Laurie ran over to them screaming and pointed at the building. "He's in there!! You have to help me!!!" The police officers nod and aim their guns at the building. Doctor Loomis hears the commotion and barges into the building searching for him while the cops check the back. "He's back here!!", yells one of the police officers, finding Michael walking into the woods. Doctor Loomis aims but he misses. He tries to shoot again but Michael is gone...

The more Michael thought about the situation the more somber it seemed. Once he kills Laurie his whole family will be dead. He's not upset about that aspect but just how he'll be alone. He won't hold ties to anyone ever again. No one will accept him like this. Who could love someone like him? Michael doesn't need love or affection though. He grew up the majority of his life without it, locked away. So why should he feel any different now? He doesn't. Thinking about such pointless things is a waste of time. He had something more important to worry about.

How is he going to kill Laurie? While trying to come up with a plan one question lingers in his mind. Why were the police there? Did someone find the body? No, there would have been more of a scene. Who called them? Was it y/n? They did know about me and how I was killing people. They could have not said anything because they were scared but as soon as I leave they ring the police. I don't know...but I want to see them again...


You and Michael sat outside for recess as you usually did. The sky was cloudy and it appeared like it was going to rain. The other kids played, ignoring the darkness brewing above. They played with more enthusiasm, trying to make the most of their time before it was cut short. While they played you and Michael sat under a tree and watched them. It seemed like an ordinary day but you realized something was different. Someone was missing.

There was this girl at school who found it entertaining to start picking on you. Days prior she made mean comments and then threw your stuff on the floor so you would have to pick it up. When this happened you told Michael about it but you couldn't read his reaction. But today she wasn't at school.

"Hey Michael, remember how I told you about that one girl that made fun of me?" He nodded in response while avoiding eye contact, choosing to look at the dirt. "Well, it's weird. She had perfect attendance and now she's absent. And the day before she was avoiding me. Isn't that a bit...I don't know..." You thought that it was a strange coincidence but you didn't have anything to prove this point. Michael shrugs and kicks at the dirt. "Yea you're right she's probably just sick or something...Anyways I think it's going to rain..."

Michael looks up at the sky and silently agrees with you. "I didn't bring my raincoat..." You looked at Michael and it appears that he didn't either. This sucks. Now you both are going to get wet. Although this means recess will be dismissed early it was a calm sight. The usual blaring sun was dormant, and a nice breeze replaced the heat.

"Do you want to play a game?" He nods and then turns to see what you have in mind. "Ok, so I'm going to draw something and you have to guess what it is." You give him a piece of paper so he can write his answers and you keep one for yourself. You start drawing and at first, he doesn't have any guesses. You're almost done and he's still confused. You draw pointy ears and whiskers. He grabs a pencil and writes 'dog' and shows it to you. "No, it's a cat" You show him the finished drawing and it's very obviously a cat. He shows you his paper again and you shake your head. "No Michael it's not a dog." He puts his paper down and you do as well. Maybe you should play a different game... "Let's play something else..." You think for a while before coming up with an idea.

"Let's play truth or dare." He agrees to play and decides to go first. He grabs the paper and writes 'truth or dare'. "Hmm dare." Michael thinks for a second before writing something down. 'I dare you to ask the people on the slide to play with them.' "Noooo that's embarrassing I don't even talk to them." He shrugs and you know you have to do it. You chose this game after all. You get up and walk towards the kids feeling nervous. You look down as you approach them, fiddling with your hands. You try to brace yourself but then you decide just to get it over with. "Um..." They look at you and wait for what you have to say, curious as to why you're talking to them. "Can...Can I play with you guys?" They look at each other before nodding and they continue what they were doing before. "Oh, thanks..." You're honestly surprised they agreed but you head back to Michael regardless. He's still in the same spot and you sit down next to him. "I did it" He gives you a thumbs up. "They said yes but I'd feel weird joining in...anyways...it's your turn. Truth or dare?" Michael picks dare just as you did.

"Hmm, I dare YOU to go and ask them to play. But instead the people on the swings." You cross your arms feeling quite proud of your dare. Michael shakes his head. "Michael I did your dare so now it's your turn." He still just shakes his head. "What that's not fair. You're cheating right now." He shakes his head again. " What do you mean no you literally are." Shakes head. "That's why I don't like playing Uno with you. You always cheat." Shakes head intensely. "Whatever."

You give up trying to argue with him because you know there's no point. "I'll give you a truth instead." Michael stops shaking his head and agrees. "Is it true that..." You both end up doing truths since he doesn't go through with any of the dares you give him. After some time you decide to ask him a question that's been lingering on your mind.

"Michael, is it true that...you're the reason that the girl in our class is absent?" ... He doesn't respond.

"Michael c'mon I answered all your questions. Are you?" He plays with the grass, ignoring you. "Michael...what did you do?" You ask him calmly but he still doesn't respond. You take his silence as a yes. "You...didn't have to do anything..." He continues to pick at the ground. "But thank you..." After you say that he looks at you surprised and gives you a subtle nod.

You look around and you realize it's raining, hard. You got distracted with the game that you didn't realize that everyone else is already inside. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground fills your ears. The big tree you two are sitting under is covering you from the rain. "Michael I think we're supposed to be in class. Everyone else is gone." He nods as he watches the rain intently. "Not you making me a skipper like you..." He rolls his eyes and listens to the rain.

You listen to the rain too. Both of you sit in silence and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. After a while, it starts making you sleepy. You feel your eyelids getting heavier and you struggle to stay awake. The rain falls down, turning the dirt into mud and making small streams. Soon enough you feel your body slump and you fall asleep, falling onto Michael's shoulder. You hold his arm and rest your head on his shoulder as you sleep comfortably. He stiffens up out of surprise before relaxing. He doesn't move as he does not want to wake you. So he watches the rain and lets you sleep, not moving an inch the rest of the time. 

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑴𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now