Day off - Spicy/NSFW version

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Ike Eveland was slouched in front of his computer screen, frowning at the words in front of him. He really wanted to finish this chapter before joining his husband in bed for cuddles. But somehow, words didn't seem to work with him anymore. They weren't making any sense, they weren't "wording" right for him. He didn't know how to formulate his thoughts anymore. He was trying so hard to focus and find a way to wrap up his chapter that he didn't hear the sound of his office's door opening slowly. He was trying so hard to stay in the zone that he didn't feel the new presence in the room. So, inevitably, his soul simply left his body upon feeling a pair of arms wrap around his neck from behind him.

"Oh! Ikey, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you..." was the only think Ike heard before being pampered with kisses on the top of his head, and feeling warm hands soothe his upper arms carefully. It didn't take long for him to relax in his man's embrace. He let his head fall down against the other's chest and heaved a sigh. "You've been working so hard, babe. Let's just head to bed for the night, okay? You need your beauty sleep!" And, with a final kiss, the man made sure Ike's document was saved before setting the computer in sleep-mode.

Ike however was quick to protest: "Mysta! I needed to finish this chapter!" But, when he was asked how much he had written in the past hour, no answer came out of his mouth. He just looked at his desk and brought his hands to his face, rubbing it gently with another sigh. "Look, if I manage to finish this chapter, I'll keep the whole day tomorrow reserved for you. You don't have any stream, right?" Mysta told him that he didn't have any stream the next day. "And no detective work either?" He received the same answer, making him clasp his hands together, a small smile forming on his lips as he turned his body to the man he loved: "Then, that's settled. You give me another hour to finish this chapter, then I'll join you under the covers, and tomorrow the day is for us two to enjoy. See it as a date, but at home."

Ike was worried Mysta might not accept the excuse, but he guessed he just got lucky when the man heaved his upper body from the chair and, giving him a small peck on the lips, said: "An hour. Nothing more. I'll drag you by your ass' hair if I have to." The threat was scary enough for Ike to nod eagerly at him before turning his computer back on. Mysta wasn't even out of the office yet when he heard his lover typing furiously on his keyboard once again. He was glad he had at least been able to help Ike get back to work, but he wished the man was a bit more considerate of his own health as well.

So Mysta promised himself to give Ike all the rest he would need the next day. Getting under the covers, he grabbed his little notebook and a pen, and started to draw up a small relaxing plan for the next day. He liked to plan things and hated going in the unknown. He needed everything to be perfect for his man; nothing was allowed to go wrong.

Exactly an hour later, Ike Eveland peaked his head through the bedroom's door, seeing a still wide-awake Mysta scribbling on his notebook. "See? An hour. I'm done with the chapter, and it's all thanks to you, love." He started to strip out of his clothes to put on something more comfortable, still talking to Mysta who had by then put down everything and was simply admiring his husband's figure in the dark room. Mysta would be lying if he said he didn't feel lucky every day to have Ike in his life. He felt that he didn't deserve him. He felt like it was all a dream he would eventually wake up from. Ever since joining Nijisanji, he had felt strong feelings towards Ike, but he was aware that they were first and foremost co-workers. Therefore, he knew they would never be allowed to be together in such ways. Plus, Ike never showed any signs of romantic love towards anyone – except for characters from his favourite games – so Mysta was always convinced that he really didn't stand a chance.

At this point, the detective was so lost in his thoughts, admiring the man, that he wasn't even listening to him anymore. He almost forgot the man was even there, convinced that Ike's presence was a figment of his imagination. He remembered the first time they met off stream. The way his heart had been fluttering non-stop all day long. He remembered how, while Ike was staying at his apartment, they were alone together eating dinner in silence until Ike had confessed. "I love you, Mysta," he had started, dropping his fork in his plate, and looking at him dead in the eyes, "and I know we can't do anything about it, and I know you don't feel the same way, but I needed to get it out of myself in order to move on from this. I don't want things to get awkward between us while I'm here, and even afterwards. You don't have to say anything about it. I don't need you to reject me. I am a mature adult; I know what the consequences of us dating would be. So, let's just keep enjoying this meal, and then head to bed. I'll take the couch from now on."

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