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Author: I switched up the events a little so if it's not the same as the show that's why😜

"highway to hell- AC/DC" playing*

"DUSTIN GET UP NOW OR YOU CAN RIDE BY YOURSELF TO SCHOOL!" eden screamed as she shoved a piece a toast in her mouth and grabbed her bag.

"HOLD ON!" dustin screamed back

"NO DUSTIN NOW! IM WAITING OUTSIDE " she yelled as she walked out of the house

"UGHHH" dustin groans and runs over to his sister on her bike


both eden and her brother park their bikes and walk towards the high school.

"sooo you gonna come to the campaign tonight?" dustin asks even though he already knows the answer

"absolutely not, first of all I don't know how to play and second of all I don't wanna know how to play"

"I can't believe you and eddie have been friends since 5th grade and he still hasn't taught you"

"ooh trust me he's tried"

"speak of the devil" dustin shouts happily

"why hello there love talkin bout me are ya" eddie greets in an awful fake british accent

"oh yes, just about how awful you are" eden smirks

"oh eden how you pain me!" he exaggerates while pretending to get stabbed in the heart

"stop flirting you guys are so gross!" dustin yelled covering his ears

"ouch dusty that hurts" eden says with fake sadness as she fell into eddies arms dramatically

he caught her and then pretended to check for a heartbeat as dustin rolled his eyes and walked away from the two seniors. once dustin had fully walked away eddie pulled eden up to her feet laughing their heads off

"ready for math bambi?"

"never" she turned on her heels and started walking to math

eddie did his stupid little run to catch up with her as she laughed at him.

In math:

"psst e" eddie whispers to the blonde girl in front of him

"what eddie?" eden whispers back

"are you coming to the campaign tonight?"

"yeah no sorry eddie"

"oh come on please it's the last one this year"

"edddd" she elongated

"pretty pretty please" he whispers now with his lips literally touching her ear

eden seemed to feel her cheeks go hot but she didn't understand why

"f-fine" she struggled to get out

"thank you princess" he slowly moved his lips away from her ear

red faced with cross legs eden sat forward and began to zone out while biting her lip in frustration

After school:

In walked eddie and eden, eddie sitting at the head of the table and eden beside him

"oh hello dear sister, I see your boyfriend *cough cough* sorry HAHA I mean friend convinced you to come"

"hi dustin why yes my friend did convince me" she smiled sweetly although at the same time as glaring

eddie looked away from eden and dustin and saw erika,

"absolutely not" he states

"you asked for a sub, we delivered" dustin countered

"this is hellfire club not babysitting club"

"I'm eleven you long haired freak" erika argues

"AHAHAH" eden laughed loudly

"my my the child speaks" eddie clenched his jaw while glaring at the girl beside him

"what's your name child?" he continues

"erika sinclair"

eddie chuckles "so this is sinclairs infamous sister"

erika turns to mike and dustin "he's sharp" causing two boys that replicated tweedledee and tweedledum to laugh out loud

"what's your class and level, level one dewarf?" he counters making the same boys laugh

"my name is lady applejack and I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14 and I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison soaked kukri and I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonising death. so we gonna do this or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mummy's book club?" erika finished

"holy shit, I have no idea what any of what you just said means but I like you" eden drawls

erika smirked at her words while keeping eye contact with eddie

"welcome to hellfire" he smiles crookedly and shakes her hand

Time Skip:
an hour into the game eden began to get bored and what does she do when she's bored? sleep,
she had successfully fallen asleep with her head in eddies lap. The game was now finished anyway so she only missed like the whole ending. everyone else except for dustin, eden, mike and eddie had left the room.

"my god, you are so in love with her man" dustin says dreamily

"bro no no we're just friends" he replies with red cheeks

"whatever you have to tell yourself" mike chimes in

"anyway I'm staying over at mikes tonight so you have to take eden home I don't want her riding home by herself"

"yeah yeah of course" eddie nods

the two younger boys walk out as eddie starts to wake eden up

"E, hey wake up darling the games over"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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