Four Years After Leaving the Institution The Wedding Day - October 31, 1949

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Today is our special day. I cannot believe I am getting married today. I never thought this day would ever come, but I met the man of my dreams. I will never be alone again. The time of the ceremony approaches. I am nervous about telling Greg how I feel about him and what his love means to me in front of his family.

I am getting ready for the ceremony. My mum is assisting with putting on my wedding dress. Leah and her mum are here as support. Leah is helping me stay calm.

Then I heard a knock on my door, I told my mum to see who it was because I was afraid it was Greg wanting a peek at my dress. Thankfully, it was not him. Instead it was Ashley; I asked her why she wanted to see me. She said she was curious about what my dress looked like. I told her I had a request. She asked what it was. I asked her if she would ask Dario to bring me down the aisle because I do not have any male figure to do it. I also told her that he would be my first choice to do it. She told me she was going to go ask him and get back to me with his answer. Then she excused herself and said see you at the ceremony.

A half an hour later, Ashley came back with an answer to my request. She said that Dario said that it was his pleasure to be part of my big day. I thanked her for getting back to me so fast. The ceremony approaches rapidly I am getting butterflies.

My mum says it is time for the ceremony. Everyone is seated. Greg is waiting at the alter. I still have butterflies, but I must go.

I am now walking down the aisle with Dario ushering me. He did accept my request of him wearing his kilt. He looks amazing, but I cannot let Greg see my face.

Once I saw Greg in his uniform my heart melted. I nearly lost it. Once Dario got me to the alter, I thanked him and he went back to sit down beside Ashley.

At the altar, I had a hard time saying my vows to Greg. I was chocked up with tears. My face was becoming hot. When Greg was saying his vows to me, I totally lost it. I burst into tears. I fell into his arms. After he calmed me down, we kissed.

Now, I am Alissa Moore. We do not have any plans for a honeymoon, but Dario said when he races in Toronto, he will invite us to see him race. We told him thank you.

During the reception, we toasted everyone for being great additions to our lives. Then Dario toasted Greg, he toasted that Greg was the best friend he could ever have and was glad he got to know him. Then Ric had something to say, he said that he was proud of Greg for being optimistic of life and also finding the woman of his dreams. Ric also did a toast for me as well because he was proud of what I have overcome and how I helped Greg overcome his own challenges. When he was saying this, I began to cry.

After all the toasts ended, it was time to dance. Both Greg and I do not know how to dance. The guests encouraged us to try to dance. I was trying to show Greg how to slow dance. I told him to put his hands on my hips. While I have my arms around his neck, I told him to sway his hips back and forth. While dancing with him, I looked into his eyes. He also was smiling. I could feel his love during the dance. After the dance with my new husband, Dario came up to me and asked me to dance. How could I refuse a dance with a man in a kilt?

Then Ashley asked Greg to dance, Greg accepted her request. The reason why she wanted to dance with him was because she rejected his invitation to dance many years age. She wanted to tell him that she was the one who helped him stay alive in the hospital because she had not told him any of that yet.

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