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Nandu Wake Up with a heavy head ache she holds her head and get up to see Manik was sleeping Cutely with open Mouth hugging her close she smile and kiss his head she wince as her head was throbbing so hard

Nan: Ahh What did I even Had Last night.

She get out if Manik's hold and went in bathroom to have a shower to relax herself after the shower she decided to make some coffee that will ease the pain. As She came in the living area her eyes went wide seeing the view and her eyes went redw with anger.

Nan(yelling): Manik Malhotra Mr&Mrs Maheswari.

Listening her loud angry shout Manik get up with a jerk and he get reminded of last night.

Ma: I am Gone Now.

Same was the case Jigar and Ash get up so fast waking up kids who were clinging to them and they hug them tight getting scared.

Ash: We are Gone.

They crease Kids heads and they all came down with slow steps and see Nandu walking to and fro in anger looks like she was ready to kill Anyone she sees.

They were pushing each other to go Infront of her first when she notice them.

Nan: Finally You Came I thought i have called you guyz from some other country that's why it was taking so much time to come.

Jig: Bacha I was waking Asha up you know na she don't get up so easily.

Asha glare at him and Nandu gave him really look on which he just noded.

Nan: Oh really Don't make these stupid excuse I know She knows what was waiting for you all in the morning she would be awake by my shout only so Now will you take the trouble and tell me what happened here last night.

And they all look at each other signalling other one to speak.

Nan: any of You Will speak or you all went dumb in a single night only.

Ma: Umm Jaan.

Nan: Yes Mr.Malhotra I am listening.

Ma: What happened is....

And he tell her what happened while monitoring her expressions with his each word which were telling her that she is getting hell angry on them nothing else.

Nan: So Basically I was drunk instead of controlling me you guyz took the chance and made this mess and wasted so much food and involves kids also in this Like Wow You Know Na I hate wasting food you know na how many people didn't get enough food.

They all bend their heads and say sorry.

Nan: You guyz should know You are not kids anymore to Play around with food specially involving kids they will learn what they see So Now All of You Not Getting every item you guyz wasted and you will make food for a month and distribute ut among as many people as you can.

Ma: But we already do that.

Nan: You guyz supervise not make food yourself So Now Till one month workers will be on paid leave and you guyz will work there and the quantity will be same this is for Elders and as kids won't be able to handle all that you guyz will make your own food for a month ofcourse I will be there to see you don't get hurt but I won't help you both.

So Basically They had an organization  which make food and distribute among Needy people they all supervise it taking turns and its whole lot of food that is made They all noded Their heads as they also know that they can't deny the fact that they did a mistake and they needs to learn some lessons.

Nan: Now Clean all this My head is Hurting like hell.

Listening her manik pick her up and made her sit on the sofa and sit beside her and start pressing her head and it did relief her pain she smile seeing his care and love while Others were busy cleaning the mess.

Nandu turn towards him and kiss his cheeks.

Ma: I am sorry.

Nan: Its Okay but don't repeat this again baby and now Do you work I'll make coffee for myself.

Ma: No you rest Here I'll nake it for you My special one.

And he peck her lips and went to kitchen leaving nandu smiling she was sitting watching kids and Jigar asha and Manik Cleaning Up and soon They fell in the sofa being tired Kids Fell on their Amma Who hug them and kiss their forehead.

Kiaan/Anya: Sholly Amma.

Nan: Its Okay bachas But now that its very bad and don't ever waste food okay.

Kiaan/Anya: Otay.

Nan: My good Babies.

And she kiss their cheeks tightly and they snuggle in her more Manik Come With her coffee she take it and as she sip she moans like always it was too good and it instantly give her relief from her head ache and she relax.

Kiaan and Anya were also massaging her head as manik sit beside them and with his one hand he was pressing her head so following their baba they were doing the same making MaNan Smile On their Cute Bundles of joy They kiss their heads and kids smile to their fullest.

manik jigar and Asha Made food While fighting deciding the menu which was at the end decided by Nandu and they made the food kids also make their own food nandu was there instructing them and making sure that they don't hurt Themselves.

They had their Breakfast And Laugh remembering the last night and what they did Nandu took a leave and she stayed with kids and had some fun playing games and telling them Stories.

And Manik jigar and Asha went for making food and To distribute the food and it was way too much Tiring for them But At the end when They see the smile if people they gave food to they were content happy as they could make them happy there is no happiness bugger then making people happy and be able to help them.

As they return back They had a beautiful smile on their lips inspite of being hell tired Nandu Smile Looking at them and she was just admiring her baby as He would tell her his experience and would thank her for making him do this on which she just smile and peck his lips and Then She gave him a nice massage for which hew was too grateful as he was so much tired even kids Give Massage to Jigar and Asha they just shower them with lots of Kisses seeing their concern and their innocent love.

So Hope You guyz like it ❤️

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