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Name:Marco Armitage

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Marco Armitage




Face Claim:
Felix Mallard

He's a valiant young man, noble and true. He's not afraid to put his life on the line in order to save someone. He's self-sacrificing which some can see as a bad thing but he believes its good since he'd gladly give his life for anyone. He's always doing what is right no matter how hard it may be. He won't compromise his morals or values for anyone. He stands by being innocent until proven guilty, even if it isn't the popular opinion. He gives out the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise. He's trustworthy and very trusting of people unless he is given a reason not too. He's honest, having never told a lie in his whole life. He doesn't believe in lying, honesty is the best policy as he was taught. He's caring, always looking out for everyone and everything.

Horseback rides: He enjoys a good horseback ride every now and again. Especially on the Clydesdales during a light snow, it makes everything so fresh and exhilarating. | Eggnog: he's a sucker for eggnog, especially the one his mother made. She wouldn't tell him the secret ingredient, but she delivers a fresh mug every morning for him to have that night. | The smell of a fire - he loves the smell of burning wood, the warm glow and heat from the fire. It's beautiful and relaxing to him, it invokes nostalgia. | Cooking - he can cook and he's very good at it. His grandmother taught him growing up and he always enjoyed it. |

Catching a cold - he doesn't like being sick. He feeling, the depending on others, that just isn't something he enjoys. | Blizzards - not only can they be dangerous, but they're awful to clean up after. Since he's a guard he often has to track through it and it is not fun. | Worms - he doesn't like worms. He just finds them creepy and no, he's never felt or seen one in person, he just doesn't like how they look. |

He was raised by his grandparents after his parents passed away. He doesn't know what they passed away from, his grandparents would never tell him. He was sure they only did it to protect him and because of that he hasn't any need to go searching. He knows when the time is right they will tell him and he will gladly listen. He did well in school, got decent grades, average grades since he wasn't particularly fond of school. He became a guard because he wants to protect people. He loves helping others and it was an opportunity for him to prove he's up to the task. Even if nothing happens in Christmas, he does enjoy the time he gets patrolling the castle and interacting with the royalty.

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