Everything happens for a reason

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst 
Based on my hc Luke wants to leave the club + more missy that no one asked for

Lukes POV:

I been in the music club since it started and I just never liked being in it, I mean I love the club members and playing my baby but, I just don't like the music, like I hate it.  I need advice on this

I walked down the stairs to Missy's room. I knocked on her door. "Yo," She said. "Hey," I smiled entering the room. "What up" she put her fist out looking up from her laptop "I need some advice" I returned the first bump. "Oh shit" She looked shocked.

"What advice do you need?" Missy asked. "You know I'm in the music club right" I sat down on her bed "Ya what about it" She closed her laptop and crossed her arms "I want to leave the club" I sat back on the wall. "Why?" Missy asked "Well, I don't like the music we make, but I don't want to ruin any friendship with the club members," I said flatly. "and I don't want to pull a Kurt Cobain" Missy laughed.

 "well I don't think I'm the best for advice on that," She said. I hummed at the answer "Ask Mom or Dad they probably will have better advice on that" She opened her laptop. "Alright," I got up from her bed and walked to the door.

"And Luke" Missy looked up from her laptop. "Yo" I turned around. "If things don't work out with you and the club you can always hang out with me and my dorks"  She smiled. "Thanks, missy," I said leaving her room.

I walked down the living room stairs and I saw Mom and Dad sitting on the couch they were watching a sitcom from when they were kids (The Golden Girls). 

I sat in the chair next to Dad. "Hey kiddo" He smiled. "Hey," I said softly "Is there something you needed" Mom looked over at me "Um ya" I  smiled

"That is?" Dad said "I need some advice" I looked at them. They looked at each other then Mom paused the show.

"Alright shoot," Mom said. "Um, I told you guys i was a part of the music club" I shifted a bit in my chair. "Ya, why?" Dad asked "Well  Im thinking of quitting" I tried to make a smile "Why I thought you loved it?" Mom looks at me in concern. "Well, I do but I don't like the music we make and it's like" I paused "I never want to go to rehearsals".

Dad hummed, "Well what I say does it make you happy?" He asked. "Well.." I trailed. That question made me think, love being friends with everyone but I just hate being in the club room because I have to play music I don't like it feels like I have to drug myself just to do it

"No" I look at Dad. "Then that's all you need for you to quit if it doesn't make you happy way do it?" "You won't be young forever do stuff that makes you happy" He smiled "Thanks Dad" I stood up and hugged him.

I ran upstairs confident that Tomomow will leave the club. then when I entered my room the first thing is saw was all the photos of Zander. Zander will probably break up with me he is too attached to the club.

I lay in my bed and pick up my phone and open my gallery. I scroll through all of the photos with me and the club, all the memories, all the good times that may not happen ever again. then i scrolled down to a photo of me and Zander, I'm going to miss everything about him, his periwinkle eyes, his button nose. I'm going to miss kissing him. I start to feel tears form in my eyes.

I start to cry hard basically sobbing. I was crying into a stuffed animal Zander bought me after about 20 minutes of crying I started to fall asleep.

The next day

Third-person pov:

Luke walked up to the school doors he didn't wait for Hailey and Zander that day he just can't take it. 

The Auburn boy walked up to his locker her place his bag in it. Zander and Hailey walked up to their lockers at the same time. "Luke, why didn't you wait for us?" Zander asked opening his locker. "Sorry I thought I was gonna be late" Luke lied. "Oh alright," The mauve-haired looked at him.

Luke closed his locker and start to walk to his first-period class "Is it just me or is he acting weird" Hailey looked at Zander. "He is" Zander looked back at her

Time skip

It was time for rehearsal and Luke was nervous, He just had his father's words wonder his head. 

When Luke reached the club room door and took a deep breath and open the door. "Guys," He said. "Ya?" Milly looked at the door. "I leaving the club," He said. "What!?" Hailey yelled. Zander looked at him with anger. "I just don't want to do it anymore" Luke frowned "Why Luke," Jake looked at him "I just don't feel happy doi-" Luke was cut off 

"Get out" Zander looked at him. "Zander." Luke look at me. "I said get out" Zander pointed to the door. "Ok," Luke looked down and ran out of the club.

Luke ran down to his locker and grabbed his bag, he was going home, and he was on the verge of tears. He went away he knew teachers wouldn't see him and he ran home

Lukes pov: 

I was in tears I basically couldn't see, I ran straight home. 

I unlocked the door, but no one was home which I expected I went upstairs to my room and i flopped on my bed.

I took my phone out of my bag, the club block me which was expected, one person didn't block me which was Sean.

Brother from another mother:
Hey, are you alright where did you go?

Not good and i went home

Brother from another mother:
Did they block you?


Brother from another mother:
Hey just so you know I'm here if you need it

Also, zander went me to say he wants to break up

Ya I guess that would happen plus i deserve it 

Brother from another mother:
Hey don't say that man.

I wiped the tears from my eyes that's it, I'm alone and single how fun

Time skip

Zanders Pov:

I sat on my bed. Luke said he wasn't happy, it had to be me i made him unhappy I know i would do it, he will be happier without me. 

Luke POV:

'Hey it's alright Luke" Missy assured me "Yalls friendship will heal over a matter of time" She rubbed my back as I cried into her chest. "And in the time and can hang with my group" She rested her hand on mine. "What if it doesn't get better," I said between sobs. "Well that's fine too" She continued to rub my back, then she said

"Everything happens for a reason"


1167 words

this was my first time writing angst so sorry if its bad 

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