chapter four

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It has always been my mother and I since I was born. I've never actually known my father or ever seen him in pictures. All I know is that I inherited his name, ' Alvarez.

My mother doesn't speak of him either.  She  used to praise my smouldering doe- brown eyes at times and tell me they resemble my father but stopped herself before she could say anymore. The only thing I saw after was the sadness her eyes held.

The only contrasting thing between my father and I , as my mother says it, is the skin tone. My skin complexion is copper- brown , like a windfall autumn leaf as my mama calls it. She also loves my coral black afro blow out hairstyle and tell me it brings out my eyes. I really love it when she runs her hands in it, massaging the scalp as I tell her how the day has been.

I love her so much to a point I'm scared of losing her. I frequently have sleepless nights, scared that if I close my eyes, she wouldn't be there when I wake up. I lie awake staring at her beautiful face as she sleeps soundly on our shared bed.

" What is wrong darling?" She asks, in her sleepy tone, struggling to open her eyes.

"Nothing's wrong mama. Go back to sleep."

" Camila -"

" Momma,  I'm good. See." I said, forcing a smile.

" I'm not stupid Camila. Something's up." She said and moved to a sitting position facing me.

" I'm just glad you are here with me."

"I told you I would fight darling. For you, for your happiness." she said, an assuring smile plastered on her face as she placed one of her hands on mine.

"And for yours mà. It's you and me now. Forever." I chocked, tears running down my cheeks.

"Always and forever." Mum repeated reassuringly, tears threatening to fall.

"Always and forever. I love you Momma."

"Come here sweetie," I scooted over to her and got in her warm embrace. " I love you too sweerie. I love you soooo much."


" I'm heading off to work now. See you later." I said, placing a light peck on mom's cheek.

"Bye sweerie." She responded and followed me to the door.

I bid her goodbye once again and started walking down the steps.

A black saloon caught my attention. It was packed a few blocks from our house. I always get this burning sensation in my stomach whenever I see it. It's always parked there whenever I go down for work and also when I get off work. This has been happening for the last two months.

It's like someone is watching my every move. I stared at it for a while and decided to take a look at it. My mother had already closed the door to the house, leaving me and the mysterious black saloon. I walked closely to it, my eyes never leaving the vehicle.

Surprisingly, when I was a few yards away, the saloon's engine roared to life and drove out of the parking area and disappeared to the other side of the road. The windows were tinted black, hiding the driver's face from my view.

I watched as it disappeared and finally took a turn. The hell!

The honking of another car behind me almost made me jump out of my skin. That's when I realised I was standing in the middle of the road.

"Camila! Get in the damn car." Mia shouted from the passenger seat.

"What the hell were you doing in the middle of the road?" She asked, as I got in and Aike steered away.

"Hey Aike." I said completely ignoring her. He acknowledged my greetings by nodding his head and continued driving.

Mia changed her sitting position and faced me.

" Are you okay?" Concern was written all over her face.

" It's nothing Mia. I'm fine. Really." I smiled.

" What happened yesterday? I heard that Rafael came for you at the restaurant. Tell me everything." She giggled.

" News usually travel fast this days." I rolled my eyes and continued staring out of the window thinking of the black saloon.

I can't tell Mia about this. Not yet. I must know who's car it is and why the person is stalking me. Could it be a serial killer?

No Camila. Get this silly thoughts out of your mind. Maybe you are just overthinking things. Why would a person be stalking you? You ain't rich. You have never gotten into a fight with anyone. You haven't killed anyone. Your just living your perfect and somehow broken little life. So it can't be anyone who wants to harm you. Calm down darling.

Shit! That ain't helping at all.

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