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A/N: charlie's pov of his relapse in solitaire </3

(I know it's not exactly the same as the book, but I wanted to change a few things to add more to the story)

TW: self-harm, eating disorders

"Why are you dressed like Wednesday Addams?" Charlie asked as Tori trudged down the stairs. She was wearing a black dress and tights, which wasn't unusual for her, if it happened to be a Christmas day dinner party, but she had arranged her hair in neat braids, and her eyes were dark with eyeliner.

"Becky's 17th birthday party," Tori replied flatly, grabbing her bag and coat from the hook and pulling on her shoes.

Charlie raised an eyebrow. "It's a costume party? It's the middle of winter."

"Well, I didn't decide to throw the party."

"Do you want me to come with you? I could ask Nick if we could go there instead."

Tori shook her head. "No, I'll be fine."

With no more words, she opened the door, stepped outside into the January cold, then closed it behind her.

Charlie sighed and went upstairs to his room to clean up before Nick arrived. He listened to Radiohead while waiting for the doorbell to ring. When it did, he knew who was behind the door and rushed downstairs to answer.

Nick scooped him up in his arms, hugging him tightly and spinning him around. "Hi," he said when he put him down.

"Hi." Charlie put a hand on Nick's cheek, then pressed his lips to his—their first kiss of the day. Nick's hands found its way to his side and snaked around his waist, drawing them closer together. When they pulled apart, they looked away, giggling and blushing.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice came from the living room. "Nick!" It was Oliver. He ran to Nick and enveloped him in a hug.

"Oliver! How are you doing, buddy?"

"Fantastic!" Oliver left almost as fast as he came, disappearing back into the living room.

"Come on." Charlie grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him up the stairs and into his room. They both flopped on to his bed.

"What's the plan for today?" Nick asked.

Charlie checked his phone for the time. It read 19:04. "We have awhile before I have to eat dinner, so we could spend it...." Charlie pretended to think for a few seconds. "Making out?"

"Ooooh, I don't know about that, Charlie," Nick said, sarcasm dripping in his voice and his face twisting up cutely. He pushed himself up so he could face him, and then placed an elbow on either side of his body, moving one leg over so he was straddling him.

He was so close to him that Charlie could see every individual freckle on his face, and he thought it was adorable. Nick's wide smile was also quite visible, and it made him smile, too.

"I mean, there are sooo many other things we could do. But because you asked, I guess I'll have to."

Charlie laughed, knowing full well that Nick would take any opportunity to make out with him. He grabbed Nick's face, pulling it down so their lips met.


45 minutes later, Charlie and Oliver were sitting at the kitchen table while Nick warmed up the lasagna. Charlie was aware of his leg bouncing, and he could feel his heart racing—but that was not out of the ordinary for mealtimes. He was glad that Oliver didn't understand what was wrong with him.

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