Magic honey

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In some city of some region of some county, people celebrate the 15th fishing contest of the region to fishing the bigger golden fish, the winner is prize with a magic honey in a bottle, and the participants come from different place hoping to win to be the best fisherman, in this region, fisherman are considered skilled people who pass on the art of fishing anything that move, form a simple fish to a bird.

The participants are 20 between them is Crom, he is 16 years old young man who is apprentice of his uncle Eliot, the past former event organizer, his uncle was an amazing fisherman when the river grew on the banks of the town, he almost fishing to the bigger goldfish but he can't because a reason that he doesn't said, Crom's mom named Karla, invited him to participate in the contest, the prize people use some of that honey to do grew anything because inside it resides a magic power that come from a special forest that is nearby. One day Crom was playing with his friends when he saw a light coming from the lake but also he can see that time a dark figure and couldn't know what was that thing, he in that night had a dream where the golden fish was talking with him, it was a crazy idea but he said it to his mom, in that conversation the fish said him that he was a loser and made fun of him because he was very small, Karla laughed at him and said Crom that the fishes not talking, Crom went at lake to see a fish because the dream intrigue him, his uncle see talking him with a lake and went to ask what are you doing and Crom answer:

-I'm just seeing the lake, I remembered I need to go by any berries to make a cake for my best friend Dalia, she will be 16 years old-

-until I can see you to do something well, all time you are losing time making sticks figures, you should help me to get some peach blossoms and with lucky, you found some bees-

But Eliot also told him the following:

-Hey, you should never try to talk to the fish, it is dangerous...-

Eliot left and Crom didn't know why he said that, then he felt chills and went looking for berries. Days passed and Crom attended Dalia's birthday, she was very surprised by the cake and Crom invited her to see in the event of the better fisherman so she would attend. Dalia told her acquaintances to go to her best friend's event but that will be a surprised to Crom although he is an introverted person, the next day Crom went to help his uncle to get peach blossoms in trees that are near of wood where there were many fruit trees planted by the founder of village, they staying over there, follow the peach blossoms in some tree and they can see a bigger bee that bright a stick in its legs and Eliot said:

-oh! Watch it, that bee like to do things with stick too je je je-

-I do stick figures, what can they do with that-

-For us it may be insignificant but for it is a good item-

That said, while seeing peach blossoms, Crom carries something for himself.

A week passed and the event would start in the morning, Crom was preparing to begin to fish, he did not trust himself because he had to catch a good specimen within 2 hours, passed 30 min and some of participants had already achieved specimen, in that moment Crom heard his hook ring and tried to pull the fish out, then he look to the side and Dalia and her friends were watching him, that caused him to be ashamed and lost the fish, Crom think he missed the chance to win but he remembered the word of his uncle and use his peach blossoms as bait, he didn't take them out of his jacket, he tried use it and then of 50 long minutes he heard a voice that said:

-I am a spirit of lake if you cooked me, you will have nightmares for the rest of your life...-

Crom didn't care and he just wanted Dalia to see him win the competition and moments later with a lot of effort he got the big golden fish, he always had a great feeling for Dalia so that made win the competition, in Crom's house, celebrated the victory of Crom and he decided to feed the fish that he left in the lake and now they are good friends.

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