Chapter 11

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The group sat in the cafeteria, eating like wild animals. They hadn't seen food, at least good food, in nearly months.

"You all need you strength before we go out," Katie told them

Johnny belched and wiped his face with a napkin. "I think it should just be me and Chris who goes."

Katie examined Nick and George who were still eating. "I agree, but everyone pulls their weight around here. They will be given jobs to do while we're gone."

"Anything you need," George said.

"We must go before it gets too dark," Asku stated.

"Right. Let's gear you guys up for a run," Katie said. She stood up, waving Chris and Johnny to follow.

"Now what?" Nick asked George.

"Give us the grand tour I guess."

The place was less of a 'camp' like Katie had said. It was a decently sized compound with over a hundred people. Everyone seemed friendly enough, greeting, and waving as the new guys walked through their territory. They stopped in front of an open garage which had been turned into a weapons armory. Chris and Johnny peeked in with awe. The garage was filled with all sorts of weapons from hand guns, to shotguns, to swords, and machetes.

"I think I just peed a little," Chris said.

"Take what ya need. But after the job is done they do require us to return the weapons," Katie told them.

Chris was the first to enter, running in like a kid in a candy shop. The first thing he grabbed was a shotgun, always his weapon of choice. Chris kissed the new gun. "I missed you baby."

"Oh, Jesus," Johnny murmured. "Control yourself," he said and shuffled in, grabbing a gun from the wall. It was a Colt Python. "Now this is a weapon."

"Don't get used to it," Katie said. "Remember you can't keep them."

"What a shame," Chris replied as he grabbed a hunting knife, and attached it to his belt. Johnny grabbed a machete and they both grabbed weapons for their guns. Katie handed everyone miniature flashlights.

"Let's go find your sister," Johnny said. Katie nodded as the four made their way toward the entrance.

"How did she end up missing, anyway?" Chris asked.

Katie sighed. "We got into a heated argument, " she began. "Our parents are dead and I'm all that's left. But she told me she was tired of me acting like her mom."

"So, she ran away?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, I mean, maybe. Maybe she just needed to cool off but she's been gone for two days."

"We'll find her," Johnny assured.

Katie waved her hand for the guards to open the gates. The gates were lifted, and they walked through, heading toward the empty city.

"It's starting to get dark," Katie pointed out.

"And that's when the real fun begins," Chris said.

No one wanted to be caught dead running around at night. That was when the Stalkers came, the ones who feared the light, but excelled in darkness. They hid in the buildings during the days. These creatures could easily scale walls and buildings, all without making a sound. If there were a Stalker nearby, you more than likely wouldn't know until it was already too late.

"So, how do you wanna do this?" Johnny asked.

"There is this school, not far from here. It was a place she always wanted to check out," Katie said. "Ya know, since she was never able to go to a normal school in the past."

"I guess that makes sense," Johnny said. "I barely remember school myself. I was ten when this whole thing happened."

"That must have been scary for you," Katie replied.

"No doubt. But if only my dad could see me now," Johnny chuckled.

Katie led them into an old elementary school that was built in the early 1900's. The moment they walked in, they could feel the pain of the past hanging in the air. School papers flooded the halls, old backpacks, and some overturned desks.

"Eerie," Johnny said.

"Can't even see shit," Chris said, turning on his flashlight. The others did the same. "I hope there ain't a Stalker nest in here."

They reached a fork in the hall. One path went left, one right, and the other went straight. Katie stepped ahead of the group, taking charge. "Okay, Asku and I will go straight. You two pick a path."

"What's your sister look like?" Chris asked.

Katie put a hand on her hip, raising her eyebrows. "How many living teenage girls do you think there are around here?"

"Fair point," Chris said, trying not to laugh.

Katie and Asku started down their path. "We meet back here," Katie called.

Johnny looked at Chris, then brushed past him, taking the path to the left without saying a word. It wasn't his ideal situation, looking for someone he didn't know, let alone even care about. But he hadn't seen a good looking woman in a long time so maybe he was just stricken. But either way, he was a free man. No one could hold him back anymore, well, nothing could except for the infection. Johnny sighed as he looked down at the now purple bite. His veins in his hands were almost starting to turn black. He clenched his fist, shrugging it off. He didn't know why he hadn't turned yet but that was okay by him. For now. He slowly walked down the cold, empty hallway, and opened the first door he came across.

"Kristen?" Johnny whispered, halting at a trail of blood that led into a closet. A whimper could be heard on the other end of the door. "Why is it always me?" he asked himself and pulled open the door to reveal a young lady, her arm dripping with blood. It had to be Kristen. She looked just like Katie.

"Please don't hurt me!" Kristen called back.

"I'm here to help you. I'm with your sister," Johnny said, trying to calm her.

"My sister is here?"

"Somewhere around here. We can go find her," Johnny said. He glanced down at the wound. "Were you bitten?"

"No," she replied, tears forming in her eyes. "There was a monster and I tripped on some scissors," she explained. "It was horrible. It was just a little kid."

"It's going to be okay, but listen, we need to get back to the camp. It's gonna be dark soon, and we'll get you patched up," Johnny told her, offering a hand. She took it, standing to her feet. Johnny looked down at the dripping blood. "Is that all you?"

Kristen nodded with a sniffle and Johnny took off his shirt, wrapping her arm with it to stop as much of the blood as possible. "Thanks," she said.

"You're a tough kid, okay?" he said as he helped her out of the closet. "Stay close, he said as they exited the classroom. "There could be--" Suddenly, Johnny fell to his knees. His entire hand, and the wound on his back burned.

Kristen ran to his side. "Are you okay?"

"Take my gun!" Johnny told her as he pushed the gun toward her.

"What's happening?" she cried.

"I don't know," he said as it felt like every nerve in his body was exploding over, and over. He looked ahead. "I think we have company," he said. Growls echoed from the darkness. Lifeless children, no more than grade school age, sprinted out of the shadows. There were five of them. Johnny tried to stand up as Kristen took his weapon, starting to fire. Johnny started to feel woozy and his whole body went numb.

Kristen wasn't a bad shot, taking many of the children down. She had learned much from her sister, and knew how to take care of herself, for the most part. Johnny coughed up blood as he face-planted into the floor, unconscious. 

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