Book 2: Water, Chapter 6: Preparations

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"You're back!" Hakoda shouted happily as he and Bato jogged out of Wolf Cove's southern gate. The chief squeezed his children into a tight hug, which both Sokka and Katara eagerly returned, while Bato ruffled their hair affectionately.


Aang, who had been feeling very exhausted up until this point, felt a small spark of energy when he saw Iroh exit the village gate behind Hakoda and Bato. He and Zuko looked at one another and smiled before both running over to Iroh, and the old man squeezed the two into a hug of similar strength to Hakoda's.

"Uncle, you're crushing us," Zuko muttered.

Iroh released the two with a chuckle and smiled warmly. "I'm so glad you returned safely. I knew you would."

"Yes, yes, we're fine," Zuko said in slight annoyance as he smoothed the front of his robes, though Aang could tell from the small smile on his face that the Fire Prince had missed his uncle.

"When Gilak arrived three weeks ago and told me that you had gone to Ausuittuq, and about the rumors of dark spirits..." Hakoda shook his head. "I've been worried sick."

"Come on, dad," Sokka said with a smirk, nudging Hakoda with his elbow. "You think a few dark spirits can keep us down?"

Hakoda's eyes widened. "So it was true?" he murmured, and at last, he seemed to notice the Ausuittuq villagers. The children and elderly were seated in Appa's saddle, while Thod, Miki, Katjuk, and the remaining adults had been led by Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Zuko on foot.

"This is everyone from Ausuittuq," Aang explained. "Their village was destroyed by dark spirits, but thankfully we managed to rescue everyone."

"Destroyed by dark spirits?" Bato echoed, and he and Hakoda exchanged horrified glances.

Aang tried to ignore the guilt rising like bile in his throat. Their reactions only served as a painful reminder of his failure in Ausuittuq.

Thod made his way forward and bowed to Hakoda. "Chief Hakoda. The Avatar and his companions risked their lives to save our people. We don't have much to offer in terms of goods or warriors, but we will help with whatever is needed in exchange for refuge."

Hakoda's eyes widened. "Of course! We'd be happy to welcome you to the village," he replied warmly. "And there's no need for repayment. Your people have been through enough already." He scanned the villagers for a moment, seeming as though he was looking for someone. "I'm assuming Chief Muktuk...?"

"Sadly, he is no longer with us."

"Then you're the new chief?" Bato asked.

"Oh spirits, no, I'm not," Thod chuckled. "My name is Thod. I'm nothing more than a humble storyteller. My job is simply to give my people hope in dark times."

"A 'humble storyteller' my butt," Sokka muttered under his breath, and Katara nudged her brother with her elbow to quiet him.

"Speaking of dark times," Thod continued. "The Avatar has informed me about the upcoming Southern Raider attack. I am truly sorry we cannot provide more assistance..."

"Please, there's no need to apologize," Bato said kindly. "You don't owe us anything."

Hakoda nodded in agreement. "We have plenty of help already." He then gestured towards the village gate behind him with his arm. "Enough standing out here in the cold. Come. Let's get you all a warm meal."


Aang watched in excitement from where he sat in Appa's saddle the flames of Zuko and Iroh's firebending blasts appeared and disappeared in front of his eyes. It was amazing to him how fire could be so beautiful, yet so dangerous at the same time.

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